easter idea

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Results 181-190 from 1,959 articles

Ideas for Scavenger Hunt

T.S. asks from Philadelphia

I'm having a princess party for my daughters first birthday. The only kids that will be there is her 3 1/2 yo brother, cousins: 2 years, 8 years and 11 years. My SIL ...


Dealing with Preteens

T.S. asks from New Orleans

What do you tell your 11 yr old daughter when she asks if the Easter Bunny, Santa, etc are real? Some of my friends have told their kids "no, they are not real". I kn...


Nail Bitter - Suggestions on Stopping Needed

R.M. asks from New York

My daughter just turned 9 and still has a problem with bitting her nails. This past Lent season she did give up bitting her nails and she was sooooo excited that she ...


Post-holiday Blues Anyone?

R.. asks from Chattanooga

Is it just me, or do other mothers get the post holiday blues? My DD is turning one next week, so she has already hit all of her 'first' holidays. I'm glad that I too...


Unique Games/things to Play for Bigger Kids (6)

J.M. asks from Philadelphia

Someone at work mentioned they were getting glow sticks to put in eggs and have a nighttime egg hunt tonight. So i'm of course doing that too. How awesome! It made ...


Holiday Problems Already

L.C. asks from Chicago

My husband and i are already arguing about the holidays. Every year its the same thing. MIL wants us there the same day and time as my family and is not flexable an...


Helping Mom to Continue Living While Dad Is in Nursing Home.

H.G. asks from Lancaster

Sorry if this is long. My 84 year old father spent the first 6 months of last year recovering from a badly botched prostate surgery and subsequent stroke. It was a ...


Daycares and Sandboxes??

S.T. asks from Kansas City

Ok I was thinking about getting a sandbox for the daycare is that a good or bad idea?? Thank you!!


I Want to WOW My Husband. Ideas?

N.G. asks from Dallas

Hi Moms! I always love your ideas about treating our husbands like the heros they are and want to be. My husband deserves something extra special. We have a date...


Do You Take Your Kids to See Santa?

R.D. asks from Richmond

I'm a terrible mom ;) The last time I took my kids to see Santa was when the girls were probably 3 and 4.... yikes... they're 6 and 8 now and my son is almost 2 an...

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Answer Highlights

  • never taken my kids to see santa in 2 answers "I've never taken my kids to see Santa and they are 4 & 7."
  • santa and the easter bunny in 3 answers "... answer....sorry, tell her the heart that goes into santa and the easter bunny ..."
  • bass pro shop in 2 answers "Bass Pro shop is free. Not sure but Cabela's might be as well."
  • santa easter bunny in 2 answers "secret". She is very much a part of the Tooth Fairy/Santa/Easter Bunny details for ..."
  • easter bunny and santa in 2 answers "I do believe my child knows in a way that I am the Easter Bunny and Santa, but she ..."