easter idea

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Results 161-170 from 1,959 articles

Problem with Our Neighbours

S.F. asks from Utica

My neighbour(s) have become a real issue of ours over the last year or so. Originally it was just the guy living there and he was quiet and kept to himself. Then he...


The Secret of Santa Claus

J.P. asks from Dallas

Hey mamas, We just recently moved into a new apartment. My step son, 9, was asking if they have Christmas at the apartment complex. He wasn't sure how Santa coul...


Not Talking with My Mother

A.K. asks from Milwaukee

My mother and I are currently not on "speaking terms" since Easter. Here's the problem. My family (as well as my husband's) lives 2+ hours away and we are always tr...


The Truth About Santa

S.S. asks from Los Angeles

So my son is 2.5 and this is the first Christmas that he's old enough to get the concept of Christmas. I find myself at a crossroad about what to tell him about Sant...


Party Game Ideas for 5 Year Old Boys

M.M. asks from Rochester

We are having a b-day party at our house for my son and 5 of his friends. We are trying to get away from theme-based b-day parties. I am trying to come up with some...


When to Tell the "Truth" About Santa

A.B. asks from Wichita

My daughter is just about to go into middle school, and she still believes in Santa, the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny (or at least, I think she does. If she knows...


When Did Your Kids Start to "Like" Santa

B.P. asks from New York

Hi Moms, My son is 3 1/2 and he is uncomfortable around adults in costumes. He is fine with other kids in costumes but when adults are wearing elaborat...


Picked on at Preschool

C.M. asks from Denver

My 3 year old daughter is being picked on at preschool. At this point I only know of one other little girl, telling my daughter things like "the Easter Bunny isn't go...


It's Official.. Black Friday Is Out of Control!

J.B. asks from Houston

Walmart announced they will open at 10:00 p.m on THANKSGIVING DAY! This a first for Walmart and the earliest opening for any retailer so far in regards to Black Frida...


Meals for a Timeshare

M.D. asks from Washington DC

We just booked a timeshare for the Thursday-Monday around Easter. We want to bring most of our own meals to make it easy and cheap :). The resort itself has tons of f...

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Answer Highlights

  • road went both ways in 2 answers "I realized the road went both ways, the phone lines run both ways, and I couldn;t ..."
  • boycott black friday in 2 answers "I say BOYCOTT Black Friday."
  • about whether santa was real in 2 answers "I got in an argument with a girl at school about whether Santa was real or not."
  • your own family traditions in 2 answers "... you may have to miss a couple here and there to start your own family traditions."
  • swallow your pride in 3 answers "... late responding to this, but I feel I need to say this.... Swallow your pride ..."