early signs of pregnancy when

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Early Pregnancy Test

M.C. asks from Asheville

We are trying for baby number two and I've taken two tests... too early. I was how far along you were once you test was positive. I recently went for my yearly and as...


How Early Can I Accurately Test for Pregnancy?

K.G. asks from Spokane

I am 9 days past ovulation and 5 days before I am due to start my Menstral Cycle I have JUST recenlty started trying to concieve So I find it HIGHLY unlikely that ...


Early Labor

K.E. asks from Spokane

Hi Mammas, I am currently 31 weeks pregnant, and this is my fourth pregnancy. I became pregnant right after my son was born. These babies will be 10.5 months apart...



S.K. asks from Austin

i had a pregnancy test and was told that im 3 1/2 weeks pregnant so i went to the doctor 3 weeks later for the check up and was told that i was never pregnant. i dont...


Still SO Confused About Early Pregnancy Possibility

K.G. asks from Spokane

I am 10 days past ovulation and 4 days before I am due to start my Menstral Cycle I have JUST recenlty started trying to concieve So I find it HIGHLY unlikely that I ...


Cramping in Early Pregnancy?

E.T. asks from Dallas

Hello Ladies...... Im Due January 14th according to pregnancy ticker. I have not seen a Doctor yet. I am Cramping badly..... I have a bloody pregnancy test and Ho...


Wine & Pain Meds in Early Pregnancy

A.S. asks from Sacramento

Hi! Last weekend I had a party to attend to and since I knew there was going to be drinking involved and my husband and I had been trying to conceive, I took a pregna...



T.M. asks from New York

I'll be turning 40 in December and hubby & I have been talking about having another baby. I had a miscarriage back in 2007 and I'm deathly afraid of another. I know t...


Signs of Teething for a 2 Month Old?

A.K. asks from Detroit

Recently my son increased his drooling and started preferring his hand in his mouth over his pacifier. I recongize those as signs of teething but hard to imagine he's...


Early Pregnancy Tests

M.D. asks from Philadelphia

I think I'm pregnant. I have two children (3yrs and 12 months) so I recognize some of the signs/symptoms. There was a very good chance that I could have gotten preg...

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Answer Highlights

  • 3 days before my period was due in 2 answers "... was pregnant, my first test came back negative (3 days before my period was due ..."
  • dollar tree tests in 3 answers "I tried the dollar tree tests but they said negative although I knew I had to be pregnant."
  • blighted ovum in 2 answers "I have a friend who didn't get a blighted ovum diagnosis until she was 5 months pregnant."
  • 2 teeth at 4 mos in 2 answers "... drool forever before you see a tooth, but one of mine had 2 teeth at 4 mos."
  • discovering his hands in 2 answers "I believe that it is just part of discovery. He is discovering his hands, I wouldn't ..."