dry wall

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Permanant Marker on walls...HELP!

J.M. asks from Odessa

My 3yo artist wrote on the wall with permanent marker. It's quite large and she used black. I've tried magic eraser, toothpaste, 409 as well as plain soap and water...


Need Opinions--wood Flooring or Carpet for a Small Kids Bedroom

M.C. asks from Detroit

Hi Moms, I'm remodeling my little boy's 10X11 bedroom and can't decide on the color or if I should go with carpet or wood floors? I'm doing a Mickey Mouse theme. ...


His Constant Sniffing Is Driving Everyone in the House Crazy!

S.H. asks from Fort Smith

My 9 year old will not stop sniffing! Is there anything you could suggest otc that will dry him up besides Benedryl? Now that school is out and he is with me ALL da...


I Need to Remove Artwork .... Help!

H.F. asks from Los Angeles

My sweet, intelligent, beautiful, artistic two year old decided to leave her mark on our apartment the other day. How do you remove crayon from flat wall paint? Are w...


6 Year Old Still Wet at Night

T.B. asks from Milwaukee

My 6 year old still isn't dry at night. She is such a sound sleeper that when she wears underwear she doesn't always wake up when she wets them. I'm looking for any...


Seperating Babys from Pets

T.K. asks from Austin

Hello, I'm a 20 year old college student living at home and need to pick a baby gate to seperate my dogs from my nephew. My house is all thin drywall . They are both ...


Re- Doing Rooms

C.Z. asks from Omaha

How much does it usually cost to take down a wall, insulate, sheet-rock, and paint? We did buy the paint the other night for the first room being re done which ho...


Frustrated Need Help

J.M. asks from San Diego

Ok so I made the mistake of not having the construction company do the paint in our new home addition in an attempt to save a few hundred bucks. Lesson learned, I wil...


Chalkboard Paint

A.E. asks from Madison

I was wondering if anyone has every used this product. Is it easy to use?? Can it be easily covered up when we want to redecorate?? I guess that is the biggest ques...


Want to Add Some Color to My Living Room but Not Sure What to Go With

L.S. asks from Dallas

Our living room is kind of small about 20 X 14, we have wood floors that are like a colonial maple color (has a bit of a redish tint), our couches are shades of brown...

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