dry wall

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K.R. asks from Syracuse

Okay we live in a 86 trailer. We live in a park and bought this thing for $1. It needed to be fixed and we did what we could so we could live in it plus I was pregnan...


4 Year Old Is Potty Resistant. We Don't Know What Else to Try!

E.L. asks from Washington DC

My daughter is 4 years 3 months old. She was potty trained at 3, but then started having accidents approx 30 min after going potty. To help her stay dry, I decided ...


Advice Needed for Proper Time to Leave Child Alone While Eating

R.R. asks from Los Angeles

My wife thinks it is perfectly safe to leave our 2 year old alone and in the other room while eating dry cereal (fruit loops) and or raisins. I would very much apprec...


Words You Just Can't Stand...

D.S. asks from Fort Walton Beach

Another question got me to thinking about words I just can't stand. Mostly is has to do with weird associations in my brain that may or may not make sense to others! ...


"I Need a Drink" Moments?

M.. asks from St. Louis

I made my 2 y/o and 6y/o take a nap because they have been crab asses all day. Baby was sleeping so I thought what a perfect opportunity to shower. I take the baby ...


Am I the Only One?

K.D. asks from Dallas

I have a dilemma that I am unsure how to resolve or if I can resolve it. I have a boyfriend of eight years. We recently moved in together. Its been about seven months...


How Long Does It Take for Paint Fumes to Go Away

D.K. asks from Phoenix

Hi Everyone. My husband recently built a bookshelf for my daughter and painted it with two coats of primer and 2 coats of paint. He installed it the next day after ...


Has Any One Ever Been Sued by a Former Landlord?

J.T. asks from Detroit

My two daughters and I moved out of a rental house in Roseville this past June. I was just served a affidavit for small claims court against me from my former landlor...


Gender Bending Careers

☆.A. asks from Pittsburgh

OK--so the male daycare provider question got me thinking about whether I knew anyone who had a job that kind of bends the stereotypical gender thing. I can only thi...


He Won't Stop Crying !!!!!

A.G. asks from Detroit

Parents i would love to know if any of you ladies have or in the past had a little boy who cries to get his way? If so, what did you do to get him to stop it? My son,...

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