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Results 111-120 from 129 articles

Seeking Advice on Managing Baby's Reflux

S.R. asks from Cleveland

My 4 month old daughter has been experiencing issues with reflux since she was about 2-3 weeks old. She doesn't spit up a lot, but has frequent episodes of gagging o...


What's a Item You Used for Your Baby That You Couldn't Live Without??

J.J. asks from Chicago

HI MAMMA'S! I'm a soon-to-be 1st time gramma and wanted to make sure my daughter had some great things to help her transition into parenthood with the new baby. Is ...


Husband Seeks Mother's Day Suggestions...

E.L. asks from San Francisco

I want to see what kind of ideas you Moms can give me... So, I'm a Dad (as you can guess)... I need your help with some seriously good ideas for Mother's Day this y...


Really Need Some Advice?

T.V. asks from New York

I have a 3 year old, and a newborn (born on December 3rd). My son is breastfed, and I feel tethered to him! I don't know how to manage my three year old and the n...


Breast Pumps

R.V. asks from St. Louis

Can someone please recommend a breast pump for a beginning mother who has never done this before? My daughter is going to try breastfeeding with the new baby but she...


Almost 6-Year-old Wants a Nintendo DS or a Wii

A.L. asks from Sacramento

My almost 6-year-old has been pleading for a Nintendo DS or the Wii, like all his cousins and some of his friends have. My mother-in-law really wants to get him one ...


Must Have Baby Products

M.W. asks from Los Angeles

I am a first time Mom going through books and lists of must have baby items. Any advice of what you really should have and what you don't need so urgently for the fir...


Grandmother (Single) Raising Two Grandchildren - Boy 12, Girl 10

K.B. asks from Springfield

How do you handle sibline rivalry along with your rules vs their friends parenting style. I know that is a wide subject. Ex. Computer time and what they can do? Wa...


Pumping for a Preemie in NICU

K.N. asks from Austin

My friend just delivered her son at 31 weeks. (He is 4 days old, around 3.5 lbs, doing well, breathing on his own). However she's trying to pump breast milk for him a...


What to Add/leave off Baby Registry?

S.J. asks from Wausau

Hi - I am wondering what items other Moms have put on their Baby Registry, and what items you would leave off? Obviously, leave off clothes, but is there anything you...

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