dieting while pregnant

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Results 191-200 from 593 articles

Weight Loss

M.M. asks from York

Good morning, ladies! I need some help. I have always been a naturally thin woman. I got pregnant when I was 27 and gained a whopping 80 pounds. It is not like I ...


Diet Pill Desperation

S.C. asks from Phoenix

My son is almost 2 now and the "I just had a baby" excuse is not working for me anymore. I was 204 lbs (5'2") before I got pregnant and I gained 75 lbs. I've gone dow...


Complicated Question - Hypothroid, Periods, and Husbands Vascetomy

C.M. asks from Los Angeles

So, after my son was born 3 years ago I found out that I am hypo thyroid. I've been on synthroid ever since. I go for my check ups with my dr every 6 months. The last...


Taking Vitamins Making Hair Fall Out!

L.V. asks from Dallas

Well moms..... I started taking One A Day weight smart as a vitamin for overall health and I have been taking it for about a month now and I have noticed a significan...


Weight Loss

J.B. asks from Denver

I have had 2 kids. My eldest was born 2 years ago and most recent is nearly 1 year old. With the first baby I lost al but 10lbs before I found out I was pregnant agai...


Losing Baby Weight

A.P. asks from Portland

My son just turned 1 and I'm still trying to lose the last 10-15 pounds I gained while I was pregnant. I'm 19 years old 5'5 and about 138 pounds. I haven't really wor...


Have You Had Any Cosmetic Surgery?

H.D. asks from Dallas

I so badly want a tummy tuck. I am fed up with working so hard by exercising and eating right and not seeing any results in my middle area. I've been mistaken for b...


Workout Dvds... Any Success?

C.W. asks from Austin

Has anyone had success with workout DVDs? Before I got pregnant I worked out at a gym 3-5 days a week, until pregnancy complications put a stop to that. Now I'm almos...


Doctor to Assess and Make Recommendations on Daughter's Weight Problem

D.L. asks from Seattle

I'm frustrated and worried about my 12-year-old. With all the panic about anorexia in teenage girls, I am a bit apprehensive about addressing the opposite problem...m...


What Helps You FOCUS? How to Conquer Mommy Brain

P.M. asks from Denver

Ever since I was pregnant, and now, almost 17 months after my son was born, I still feel like I have "mommy brain". Other moms just laugh and tell me, "yep, it never ...

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