dieting while pregnant

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Results 171-180 from 593 articles

Full, but Hungry

J.S. asks from Provo

My husband has put on (what we call)sympathy weight every time I'm pregnant. But I lose the weight and he does not. He has tried to diet before, but always feels ve...


Brewer Diet Pregnancy

M.M. asks from Chicago

I am obese and pregnant. A friend of mine told me that to try the brewer diet. Its not really a diet , but a healthy eating plans for moms to be. Has anyone tried i...


Need a Kick Start..............

C.B. asks from Springfield

I'm really wanting to lose some weight, and my doctor said he'd put me on Meridia to help me get started. Unfortunately, however, neither mine nor my husbands insura...



J.N. asks from Los Angeles

Hi moms, I have been having some trouble getting pregnant. We've tried several times throughout the years but just basically felt if it happens it happens. Well now...


Has Anyone Used Medifast?

C.G. asks from Dallas

My friend's sister did and lost (and has kept off) a good amount of weight. I would like to lose 30 pounds by mid summer so I can get pregnant again and then after t...


HELP!! I Can't Stop Eating!!

L.S. asks from Dayton

let me start this by saying right out, NO I AM NOT PREGNANT!! ;-) recently it seems i can not stop eating. i never feel full, always feel hungry. i'm eating way to...


Recovery Question for Moms Who Had a C-section

J.S. asks from Sacramento

Hi moms! OK - two questions related to c-sections. I had a c-section 6 months ago and still have what I would consider a "kangaroo pouch." I was in good shape before ...


Breastfeeding with Low Calorie Diet

S.A. asks from Binghamton

Hello, I have gestational diabetes and the nutritionist and doctor have me on an 1800 calorie diet because I am also overweight. Luckily I am able to control the dia...


Weight Struggles

A.F. asks from New York

Looking for some motivational advice to lose weight. For a long time now, my clothes have become very tight and everyday I get dressed I am unhappy with my weight. I ...


Play Time with 20 Month Old

M.T. asks from New York

I feel like my daughter is getting into a bad routine and I don't know how to break it. First I would like to say that I take FULL responsibility for my daughter's b...

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Answer Highlights

  • taking charge of your fertility in 4 answers "I highly recommend the book "Taking Charge of Your Fertility""
  • fresh beat band in 2 answers "Thank goodness my older one likes the Fresh Beat Band to keep her occupied, so I can ..."
  • artificial insemination in 3 answers "... WAY too long, then I ended up going through 4 or 5 IUI (artificial insemination ..."
  • reproductive endocrinologist in 3 answers "... was 29 at the time). We finally decided to go to a Reproductive Endocrinologist ..."
  • wish you all the best in 6 answers "... between me and my husband." Good luck to you. I wish you all the best."