dieting while pregnant

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Results 131-140 from 593 articles

B12 Injections

C.G. asks from Tampa

Has anyone heard or is on the B12 Injections? If so, I was wondering how has your success been with it? I am looking to loose about 25-30 pounds and yet at the same t...


Pregnancy Weight Gain.... Blowing My Mind!!

N.A. asks from Dallas

I am 15 weeks pregnant and have already gained between 12-15 pounds!! I am so NOT proud of that and trying not to beat myself up about it. I am not sure what is going...


Healthy Foods

G.B. asks from Roanoke

My 17 year old a couple weeks ago decided she wanted to cleanse her body of all processed foor for a month. No fast food/TV dinners/ect. She has been eating just whit...


Need Help Getting Rid of Pregnancy Weight

W.F. asks from Pittsburgh

I'm getting frustrated because my pregnancy weight is harder to lose than I had imagined. I was careful to not gain too much while pregnant, but 6 months post partum,...


Losing Those Last Baby Pounds and Breastfeeding

P.L. asks from Minneapolis

I had read in one book that your body hangs onto some pregnancy fat while breadfeeding (as backup food supply for the baby in case there's a food draught). It makes s...


Weight Gain at 28 Weeks

R.T. asks from Washington DC

hi experienced mom's we expecting our first baby in november am 28 weeks as of today. before pregnant i was 144 lbs. now at 28 weeks i gained 26 lbs till now...a...


Breast Pain

L.R. asks from Seattle

I have been having stabbing pain in the underside of my right breast for about 3 weeks. My daughter is 18 months old and nurses at nap/bedtime. The pain doesn't start...


Any One Else Out There??

S.T. asks from Kansas City

I am 28 years old and a full time working mother of two kids a four year old son and a eight month old daughter. My issue is that I have never been over 100lbs other ...


Slim-Fast While Breastfeeding

J.B. asks from Bellingham

So i have a baby girl a little over 8 months old. Im really trying to loose weight and i was thinking of starting the slim-fast diet because it really helped me befor...


What Is Considered "Healthy Eating" While Breastfeeding?

T.M. asks from Dayton

I had my daughter in Mar and I am now back to work. I am in the military so of course, they are going to start looking for me to lose weight. I gained 75lbs during ...

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Answer Highlights

  • glucose tolerance test in 2 answers "Have you gone for your glucose tolerance test?"
  • think your weight gain in 2 answers "You can also bring it up that you think your weight gain is unusual, just in case ..."
  • your weight gain in 4 answers "... sure you are giving your baby the best nutrition possible, not your weight gain."
  • gained 40 lbs in 3 answers "second time, i gained 40 lbs, and baby was 7 lbs 10 oz."
  • drink plenty of water in 2 answers "Load up on vegetables and low-fat meats and fish. And drink plenty of water."