dieting while pregnant

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Results 111-120 from 593 articles

How Do You Start a Diet?

B.H. asks from Minneapolis

I've never had to diet before. Before my first son, I weighed 110 lbs. After he was born I did nothing to lose the weight. (big mistake and I hated the way I felt) Th...


Pregnancy and Mirena...

S.A. asks from Stockton

Hi...I was wondering if anybody new how likely it is to get pregnant while using Mirena, or if pregnancy symptoms are a common side affect? I got Mirena put in about...


Post IUD Pregnancy

T.S. asks from Houston

Hello, Mamas!!! My husband has finally come around to the idea of having another child, our son is 3 and was unplanned. So, my question is, has anyone on here gotte...


I Need to Loose 25Lbs

V.H. asks from Los Angeles

Any suggestions, any really good dieta? I excercise 3 times a week and I cant seem to loose anymore weight. My Dr is checking my thyroid because when I was pregnant...


Weight Loss During Pregnancy

A.D. asks from Augusta

I am 12 weeks pregnant and at 5'4" started my current pregnancy at 217 pounds, definitely overweight due to inability to lose weight after my first pregnancy weight g...



A.P. asks from Detroit

Hi, I am 2 days late for my period, and I have pretty careful. I did 2 pregnancy tests and they both came up negative. I did start Weight watchers for a week, but I g...


Can't Stand the Weight Gain During Pregnancy

A.G. asks from Pocatello

Ok ladies I am not going to lie here. I HATE gaining weight and I am very "stuck" on numbers. Like I don't feel good unless I weigh a certain amount. I know it's not ...


Is Being Dizzy Normal?

T.K. asks from Detroit

I am about 7 weeks pregnant with my 3rd baby. I haven't seen the doctor yet (he will see me at 8 weeks), so I haven't had the chance to ask him. I have been feeling...


How Much Weight Did You Gain with 2Nd Baby

S.S. asks from Cincinnati

ok a littl background. I have been bulimic for about 7 years, so when I conceived my first child it was a miracle (I wasnt getting a period anymore) the thing is I wa...


Second Baby Questions......

C.R. asks from Fayetteville

Hi, I am hoping I can get some good advice from some of you. I am currently 8 weeks pregnant with my second baby. I had a hard first pregnancy with my daughter. I gai...

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