dieting while pregnant

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G.L. asks from Los Angeles

I am now 11 days late for my period this is the first time I have ever missed a period I have taken three tests all negative also been trying to conceive for 8 months...


How Long Do You Wait?

C.C. asks from Philadelphia

How long do you wait to take a pregnancy test? I find myself being late every month but never pg. I am sick of spending $15 on tests that come back neg. I find mys...


Weight Loss Support, Feeling Scared, Not Sure Why.

J.X. asks from Los Angeles

Okay, we are all moms, most of us have a few to loose, so I'm hoping to find some words of encouragement from those of you in my same boat right now. I started to co...


Safely Losing Weight During Pregnancy

M.V. asks from Philadelphia

I just found out I am pregnant and I still have some weight to lose from my last pregnancy. My daughter will be 1 on the 15th of Sept. To reach my "ideal" weight acco...


Ok girls..another "Losing the Belly" Question(sorry)

3.B. asks from Huntington

Ok, so I know I am easily discouraged. But it seems like losing this flabby baby belly is never going to happen. We got a treadmill, I started running about 6 weeks o...


Severe Weight Loss While Breastfeeding

V.C. asks from Washington DC

I'm a little embarrassed to be asking this question, as I'm feeling pretty lucky about this, but here goes. I am 5'4", was a size 8 before my first pregnancy, and nev...


Have Never Been a Dieter

M.R. asks from Phoenix

I have been over weight for almost 4 years and i am ready to make that life time change. i love chocolate and sweets i emotional eat as well no good. i have been diet...


Exercise / Weight Loss During Pregnancy

T.R. asks from New York

I recently joined Curves and then found out we are pregnant with our third child. I was in the process of losing the last 20 lbs from my last pregnancy and would lik...


C-section "Roll"

J.R. asks from Chicago

Hi Mom's! first let me say, I dont believe I am any more vain than my female counterparts... I am sure every single one of has 'something' about our bodies that ...


Late Period, Negative Preg Test

R.M. asks from Sarasota

Hello again everyone. I have a question I hope someone can give me some suggestions about. My period is 2 weeks late. I have taken 2 pregnancy tests, the most recent...

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Answer Highlights

  • la leche league in 2 answers "Hi V., Talk to someone in the La Leche League."
  • do not try to lose weight in 2 answers "Do not try to lose weight while you are pregnant."
  • simple blood test in 2 answers "... can cause more severe health problems than just weight loss. Simple blood test ..."
  • negative pregnancy tests in 2 answers "period and 2 negative pregnancy tests from the store."
  • lose weight while in 3 answers "Finally, another reason why it is unsafe to lose weight while pregnant is because ..."