diet soda pregnancy

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Results 41-50 from 820 articles

Pregnancy Weight Gain Fear

J.L. asks from Portland

I'm currently 21 weeks pregnant with my second. I can finally admit it to myself that I have a fear of weight gain even during pregnancy. I know I shouldn't feel this...


Hungry All the Time During Pregnancy

T.B. asks from Miami

I know that with pregnancy comes hunger, weight gain, nausea. I just found out that I am pregnant with my 4th child. We were done with 3 so as you might imagine, th...


Can You Get Enough from a Well Balanced Diet? Organic Worth It?

A.G. asks from Provo

My husband and I have been talking for awhile about some improvements to our diets that we'd like to make. In general, I feel like we eat pretty well. We do very li...


Metallic Taste in Mouth During Pregnancy

J.K. asks from Washington DC

Has anyone experienced a strong metallic taste in their mouth during pregnancy? I am 3 1/2 months pregnant and for the past week I have a metallic taste in my mouth ...


Is Coloring Your Hair Safe During Pregnancy.

C.B. asks from Albany

I am wondering if anyone has colored their hair during their pregnancy. I went to the salon at 12 weeks and 1 day and my stylist told me that it was fine that she ha...


Do You Have a Favorite Pregnancy Moment/story to Share?

J.K. asks from Philadelphia

I'm kind of new to Mamapedia, and thanks for welcoming me with such nice answers to my first few questions :) I'm 24 weeks into my first pregnancy, and found that ...


Caffeine and Pregnancy

M.H. asks from Salt Lake City

So I always planned on not drinking any caffeine while I was pregnant, and I actually haven't had any caffeine and very little soda for the last 6 months prior to get...


Migraines in Early Pregnancy

T.P. asks from Chicago

Hi Moms, Does anyone have any natural remedies for migraines in early pregnancy? I have been getting them nearly daily for the last several weeks and it is driving ...


Wondering About Caffeine Before and During Pregnancy

J.P. asks from Grand Rapids

I was wondering if anyone had any advice on drinking coffee while trying to get pregnant and then once I do get pregnant. I know that most doctors recomend not to dr...


Help Please!! Jenny Craig Vs. Weight Watchers Vs. South Beach Diet??

Y.D. asks from Santa Barbara

Hello to you all!! I gave birth to my lovely little angel 4 months ago on September 1st, she weighed in at 9lbs 4oz 22in long. Throughout the pregnancy I gained 60 po...

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