diet milk

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Results 71-80 from 14,323 articles

Seeking Diet Tips

R.V. asks from Phoenix

I'm in desperate need to pick a diet and stick to it. Does anyone have any advice or articles they've read that has helped them get off to the right start when it co...


Vegan Diet for Children

N.F. asks from Chicago

Just healthy is a vegan diet for a 1 yr old? She's been on a vegan diet since birth. What are pros and cons? Thanks. Side note: this is not my ...


I Need a Diet Buddy

F.H. asks from Phoenix

Is anyone out there trying to lose a couple pounds (or more!) and want to be in touch and encourage each other? I thought maybe we could email/facebook and be accoun...


Looking an Advice for a Diet

D.G. asks from New York

I have three kids. We just find out that one have celiac disease, she is 4 years old. I need to start her on a gluten free diet. I don't know what to do and how it is...


Gluten Free Diet?

J.C. asks from Chicago

My almost three-year-old was diagnosed with "mild" food allergies to milk, egg whites, and wheat several months ago by the blood test. He has no history of diarrhea, ...


Dairy Free Diet Questions

A.L. asks from Chicago

I am going to try going dairy free for my 17 month old to see if this is causing her sinus/ear/respitory issues, and I had no idea how many products contained dairy. ...


Best Tasting Diet Shakes/Drinks

N.H. asks from Dallas

Hi Moms, I've never tried any of the diet drinks on the market. I'm really needing to lose about 20-30lbs and wanted to start replacing a meal with one of the diet...


Gluten Free Diet for ADHD

K.R. asks from Sherman

my homeopath has encouraged me to take gluten and dairy from my diet, saying that in two weeks i will feel like a new women. I have moved to an office job, and was ...


Diet for Weight Loss

M.M. asks from Chicago

I am curious to know what diet you have followed during weight loss and how much you have lost per week and also what kind of exercise routine did you stick to? I ...


Diet for Mental Clarity and Energy?

P.D. asks from Detroit

I recently switched my diet to cut out dairy (plugged up my sinuses, possibly due to an allergy mold) and meat (experimental may go back to unprocessed meat 2-3x a we...

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Answer Highlights

  • nut butters in 3 answers "Unless the child is eating beans, nuts, nut butters, good fats such as avocados, flax ..."
  • decent gluten free in 2 answers "I tried eating gluten free for a while and it is hard to find decent gluten free food ..."
  • ear infections and constipation in 2 answers "... dairy first, which could be what is causing the ear infections and constipation ..."
  • many processed foods in 2 answers "Wheat is in many processed foods so try to stick to a more natural diet."
  • gluten free diet in 2 answers "If you decide to put your child on a gluten free diet here are some books that might ..."