diet milk

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P.S. asks from Flagstaff

i am a breast feeding mother what kind of diets could i get on to loss weight with out harming my baby and my milk supply?



C.F. asks from Miami

My 13 month old daughter doesn't like to drink milk. As a matter of fact she doesn't like anything that contains dairy. I don't know what to give her so that she ca...


Where's My Milk??

H.P. asks from New York

Hello everyone. I just had my second baby on Thursday. I had been nursing him while in the hospital, but yesterday he seemed so unsatisfied. When I got home from the ...


Milk and Soy Protein Free Diet - Need Help!

A.D. asks from New York

Hi mamas, just got back from the GI specialist and my son has a milk and soy protein allergy. She gave me a very small list of what I can eat and advised me to see a ...



L.R. asks from Chicago

Help!!! I need to lose 30 lbs and I know everyone raves about weight watchers... but it just doesn't work for me... what can i do... I'm ready to just throw in the to...



S.R. asks from Sarasota

So its a New Year and Yes its time to lose the weight again, What is the most successful way you have had in losing the weight and keeping it off?? Suggestions please...


Diet Soda for Kids

G.G. asks from Chicago

First of all let me tell you that my children drink a ton of milk and that is usually their drink of choice. Soda is given as a treat. I was curious on your thought...


Health Effects from Diet Drinks

M.K. asks from Dallas

My sister-in-law only offers Diet Coke to her children. They are 3 and 5. Their first year of life they did get milk but since then Diet Coke. They even have it fo...


Goat's Milk

R.F. asks from Dallas

This kind of goes with the previous post about 'sudden' milk allergies. My 17 mo was throwing up and had diarrhea, so I put her on the BRAT diet. When I introduced ...


Breastfeeding with Low Calorie Diet

S.A. asks from Binghamton

Hello, I have gestational diabetes and the nutritionist and doctor have me on an 1800 calorie diet because I am also overweight. Luckily I am able to control the dia...

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  • high fructose corn syrup in 4 answers "There are sodas now that also have no high fructose corn syrup, since they are just ..."
  • la leche league in 2 answers "... some hands on advice contact a local lactation consultant or the La Leche League ..."
  • best way to lose weight in 3 answers "... out for you and it's a very simple site to use. Best way to lose weight ..."
  • artificial sweeteners in 10 answers "I don't trust those artificial sweeteners and wouldn't give them to children."
  • tells you how many calories in 2 answers "Spark People has a wonderful exercise section and tells you how many calories you ..."