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Results 41-50 from 260 articles

How to Jump Start My Metabolism

S.A. asks from Chicago

I had my 3rd child six months ago and am struggling to lose weight. Until recently, I've been too tired from taking care of an infant plus two older kids to do much ...


Need Advice on Getting Pregnant

K.G. asks from Fort Wayne

Ok I am not looking for any rude comments just advice on what worked for you going the natural route. We are trying for baby #2 and are having a real rough go at it. ...


Weaning from Exclusive Pumping

J.H. asks from Washington DC

Hello Mommies. I have a question that I'm hoping someone can answer. Three weeks ago, I gave birth to twin boys. While my intention was to breastfeed them, I've no...


My Friends Son Is Really Small and She Is in Denial

S.W. asks from Pocatello

So, I watch my friends little boy 3 days a week and have for a long time, I love the little guy to pieces but I am getting quite worried about his size. He is allerg...


We Suspect ADHD, What's the Diagnosis Process?

M.S. asks from Dallas

Our daughter was always a spirited baby and child, but for the last two years she has been beyond difficult. Zoning out when we are talking to her, not being able to...


Trrying to Change to "Healthier" Eating

L.U. asks from Seattle

Hi ladies. So this will probably be long and kind of all over the goes. My husband and I decided to join a gym. He has a lot of weight in his belly an...


Need Help with Food Allergies and Finding a Pediatrician

M.H. asks from Chicago

My 4.5 month old daugther was diagnosed with a milk allergy about 6 weeks ago. (She had blood in her stool.) I am exclusively breast feeding, so I have cut all dair...


What the Heck Is Wrong with Me and How Can I Fix It?

C.M. asks from Minneapolis

I don't want this to be a long drawn out message but think it will be. Please keep any negative remarks to yourself, as this is hard enough for me. i have no idea wh...


Newborn Dairy Allergy Predicament

J.H. asks from Austin

Just wondering if anyone has had this happen to them. We went to my son's 2 week checkup and the pediatrician tested his stool and found traces of blood. She switch...


Weight Watcher Recipes

K.T. asks from Dallas

Hello Moms~ Well along with the new year comes diet time! I'm back on Weight Watchers and was wondering if anyone had any good weight watcher recipes that they wou...

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