I just found out that I "flunked" the short GD test and now have to take the 3-hour test. Normal counts are 55-139, and I was at 156. I knew it was going to come ou...
I failed my 1 hour glucose test by a little and tried to take the 3 hour test on Sat. only to throw up mid way through. So I am waiting to hear back from my doctor a...
I am in my 7 month of pregnancy. I went to the glugose test and the results showed my levels high. Now I am being sent to get the 3 hours test. My question is has any...
hello mommies,
i am on GD diet @ 30wks and completely freaking out because my body couldn't keep up w/the supposedly 'standard' sugar level (under 120mg - 1hr aft...
Ok, i just found out yesterday and lo and behold its the weekend so i won't get to a doctor or nutritionist before midweek i'm sure....i'm going a little nuts wonderi...
I found out yesterday that I have GD. I'm 30 weeks and leaving to go out of town this evening. I can't get in to see dietician until late next week. I seem to be find...
About a week and a half ago, I was diagnosed with high blood pressure and put on medicine for it. As a follow up, my doctor ran some medical blood work. As a result...
I just got my test results back from my glucose test that I did the other day. Even though I don't have gestational diabetes I am on the high end of normal. My midw...
My husband was just diagnosed diabetic. Not too severly because they haven't give him a monitor or insulin yet. I already cut soda out for myself, but he is now cutti...
I have been diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes. I found out Wed. I have an appt to go to a "Diabetes Self Mgmt Training" class at Baylor Reg Medical, then a fol...