diabetes education

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Results 81-90 from 479 articles

I Am Diabetic and Have a Splinter or Something in My Foot. Does Epsom Salt Work

C.D. asks from San Diego

to draw it out. anyone know?


3 Yr Old Girl Always Thirsty

J.P. asks from Tulsa

My daughter is always asking for juice and milk, all day long. As soon as she gets done with one cup of something she wants another. I dilute her juice down with wa...


Questions About Elevated Glucose Test Results

S.J. asks from Wausau

I had my glucose test today & they called & said the results were "mildly elevated". I have to go back Monday for the 3-hour test. I am curious how many other Moms ha...


What Can I Do My Sugar Is High

J.C. asks from Dallas

hi mom's im a diabetic and i just checked my numbers and they are up to 309 what can i do besides taking my meds to help get them down??? my head is hurting and i fee...


Uncontrolled Epilepsy and Reasonable Accommodations in School

J.L. asks from Pueblo

I have 12 year old twin boys with Autism and uncontrolled seizures. Twin A has had absence seizures since he was at least 5 and started meds at 8. Around 10 he came o...


504 Plan?

P.K. asks from Denver

In a recent allergy question mamas were giving advice about a 504 plan for a new kindergarten student with a nut allergy. What is it? My son is starting a preschool i...


Career Advice and Time Management

A.F. asks from New York

I am a SAHM to one sixteen month child and I plan on having one more baby within the next two years. As I love being a mom, I long for a career where I could find my ...



R.D. asks from Minneapolis

My 7 year old already has glasses but complained about still not seeing well. The optometrist said her eyes have gotten worse, and strangely can't get her eyesight w...



J.N. asks from Los Angeles

My brother was just diagnosed with gastroparesis yesterday at urgent care. He is 26 years old and has been a Type I diabetic since he was 8. Does any one have any e...


Pros and Cons 504 in School Districts

A.G. asks from Houston

My son is not disabled or dislexic, nor has a learning disablity. He does have a syndrome called Irlen syndrom. Its not an eye sight problem its a perceptual proces...

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