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Permanent Makeup

P.W. asks from Washington DC

Hi Moms, Has anyone ever visited a cosmetic tattoo artist to have permanent makeup enhancement for either eyeliner or eyebrows? What has been your experience? An...


Looking to Have 4 Ugly Protruding Moles removed...need Referral

A.P. asks from Chicago

i've been living w/some moles that are really unsightly for too long now. dermatologists in the past tell me that it would be considered "cosmetic"--therefore not cov...


Possibly Switching Dental Insurance to Aetna DMO

N.C. asks from Dallas

My husband and I are considering changing our dental insurance to Aetna DMO and would like to know of any feedback (good or bad) about the following dental groups: N...


Circumcising an Older Child

P.O. asks from Harrisburg

Have you had to circumcise your older child (older than infant/baby and what was your experience? Interested in hearing bad and good stories. Trying to make a decis...


Skin Care Regime

S.S. asks from Seattle

I need a skincare regime to keep up with me. I am in my mid thirties and want to know what creams ( overnight) are good to help keep my skin looking fresh. What prod...


Need Professional Help with My Skin!

S.H. asks from Dallas

I live in Garland, and am looking for some professional help with my skin. I need help with brown spots and fine lines, and would like someone to really analyze my s...


Diastasis Recti

R.D. asks from Wichita

So....I posted a few days ago about my preggo looking tummy. Went to the dr. today and he confirmed it; I have diastasis recti, which means my muscles have seperated....


Doc Band for My Older Baby

D.K. asks from Los Angeles

I have been doing some research on the doc band and came across several inquiries about various doc band experiences. and am curious if there are other parents who ha...


Ears That Stick Out

M.D. asks from Los Angeles

So I feel kind of foolish asking this 5 month old ears started to stick out about 2 or 3 months ago. Ive been totally self conscious of it, since I must...


Problem with a Bill from Dr, Is There Anything I Can Do?

L.S. asks from Dallas

I went to my dr and told him about a mole on my scalp that would bleed every now and then. He said he could remove it no problem and I told him I was concerned about ...

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Answer Highlights

  • call your insurance company in 3 answers "Your first step is to call your insurance company and see why they didn't pay the ..."
  • excess cartilage in 2 answers "... much cartilage in the ear, so they simply remove some of the excess cartilage ..."
  • different skin types in 2 answers "Mum4ever is dead on: Everyone has different skin types so you should choose your products ..."
  • your credit history in 2 answers "And you really don't want this impacting your credit history for the next 10 years."
  • your doctors office in 3 answers "... should also speak to the insurance company and explain that your doctor's office ..."