I had my 3rd child 2 years ago.I noticed almost right away that I had a pregacy mask while I was pregant. I spoke to my ob and she told me it would go away witin a f...
Would you consider facial (nose, chin, floppy ears) plastic surgery on your son/daughter if you knew that unconsciously other kids will make fun of them?
I am a single mom looking for a good plastic surgeon in the Dallas area. I have nursed two babies and completely lost my breast. I would love to have breast augment...
I had twins 3 1/2 years ago. After they were born I noticed my stomach muscles were split. I thought they would go back together after strengthening my stomach muscle...
My daughter is 6 and just lost her first bottom front tooth. the new adult tooth came in with a VERY bright yellow perfectly circled spot on it. Any one else's child ...
My baby has visible. Varicose vein like on her ride side of her forhead has anyone else experienced this it scares me. Im a first time mom and evry little thing worri...
does anyone know anything about waiting to have a baby circumcised until after your breast milk comes in (because of the natural "painkillers" breast milk is supposed...
I'm starting a new job and will have a Dental Maintenance Organization (Aetna), which means I have to choose from a limited list of dentists, and can't go to any othe...
Hey Ladies,
After two children and lossing 92 lbs all on my own I am ready to have a body makeover. Just kidding. I really am just looking for a breast reconstructiv...
My friend just got the cutest little boxer puppy, he has a tail, and he has normal puppy dog ears. He is about 8 weeks old. She is taking him next week to get his tai...