would like to know opinions regarding paraguard (copper non-hormone iud) and mirena (the progesterone only iud). trying to weigh the options between the 2 and would l...
We are about a month out from delivering our 3rd child. I am looking into birth control options and would appreciate some of your knowledge and experiental informati...
I got rid of our nonstick pans after reading how awful they are. I bought two stainless pans, and by accident bought one more nonstick pan, and I keep using the nons...
I am 38 years old and done done done having children. I really don't want any accidental pregnancies as I keep hearing of others who say they were done and now they ...
So, we are renovating a house and last night someone broke in and stole all the copper pipes. Are people really that awful that they can ruin someone's future for a c...
Hi, its that time to seek out birth control. However, my experience with the pill and mirena (5yr iud) have not been good ones. They seem to throw me into a depressio...
I am considering getting an IUD and am wondering what kind of experiences folks have had. I am debating between the 2 kinds but am nervous about side effects (esp. he...
I have been searching for a good, nice, reliable set of cookware for a while. Now I'm totally confused by all the differenct types of cookware, Stealess-Steel, Nonsti...
As I am tired of waiting my hubby to get the vasectomy, now I am considering different route. My OB/GYN suggest a copper IUD (since I don't want the one with hormon)....