coping with miscarriage

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Results 31-40 from 124 articles

Question on D and C and Coping Afterwards

L.O. asks from San Francisco

I had a d anc c done a week ago due to a missed miscarriage and it took about a week for the pain to go away. At first I was feeling fine however, sometimes I feel l...


D&C At 12 weeks...coping

R.L. asks from Roanoke

Moms, my heart is hurting so bad. Last Wednesday I had a 12 week scan, and my husband and I were told that there was no heartbeat. Our baby was measuring at 12 week...


Coping W 2 Miscarriages/feedback for Ttc

M.M. asks from Boston

They were both early, one D&E, this one naturally passed Thurs and I had a heartbeat but no growth after 6 weeks. Have an appt Fri to f/u. I (age 35) do have 2 kids s...


Seeking Advice from Women Who Have Miscarried and Had to Have a DNC

J.W. asks from Chicago

I am looking to find out more information from women who had a DNC. I recently went through a miscarriage at 8 weeks and the baby is still inside me, my body did not...


Advice on High Risk Pregnancy/bedrest

R.M. asks from Boston

I'm new to the site, not a mom yet, and looking for advice on better coping with my pregnancy.. hoping to put some of my fears at ease. I am 37, had preterm labor th...


I Am 10 Weeks Pregnant and I Just Wanted to Know If Its Normal to Be Scared?

N.Y. asks from Dallas

I just found out that I am pregnant but I am very scared. I lost my mother 5 years ago and feel lost. I have no idea what's normal and what's not. I am very scared of...


Let It Go or Not?

J.T. asks from Kansas City

I had a miscarriage in January, and the day that I went to the doctor for my follow-up appointment, my mother-in-law called and told me she thought I should ask my OB...


Mother in Law

J.D. asks from Philadelphia

I had a miscarriage a few weeks ago. When my husband told his parents, he told his mother I wasn't up for talking about it. Yesterday was my husband's birthday and ...


Support Groups...

M.W. asks from Detroit

I recently had a miscarriage and am seeking some sort of support group in my area. Im not even sure what to expect but am willing to try some different things to begi...



L.B. asks from Los Angeles

I just had my 2nd miscarriage. I don't know how i am supposed to return to the normal day to day and function. Anyone have any suggestions of what got them through th...

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