consumer protection act

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Results 1-10 from 17 articles

Car Seat

L.P. asks from Chicago

Hi moms, My little girl is going to be one in a couple days and we are looking to get a forward facing car seat. I have heard that Britax is the best as far as safety...


My Park Owner Won't Fix up the Streets in My Park.

M.M. asks from Detroit

Has anyone ever dealt with a "slum landlord"? My situation is this, I live in a mobile home park and it in the last year the lot rent was raised due to the parks expe...


Which Convertible Car Seat to Buy...

M.E. asks from Salt Lake City

We are looking into convertible car seats because our daughter is almost ready to switch over to one. I was just wondering if any of you have one that you absolutely...


Trying to Correct the Credit

S.G. asks from Houston

OK...I'm pretty upset right now so I hope this comes out right. I'm really good about checking my credit reports every year & making sure that the information is...


How Do I Prevent Freezer Burn??

T.T. asks from Denver

Help! Everything in my freezer gets burnt within days. I live in an apartment and my fridge is tiny anyway. There is one temperature control knob in the fridge sectio...


Sending Someone Away from Your Door

M.D. asks from San Francisco

An older lady, who is a Jehovah's Witness, comes to my door once a month or so with another person usually. I have been polite and made conversation and taken the boo...


Car Seat Recommendations

V.V. asks from Dallas

My little guy has just about outgrown his infant car seat so we are about to buy a convertable seat. He's nine months old and weighs almost 22 pounds. He's got a f...


Mommy Going Through a Rough Divorce

P.D. asks from Phoenix

I am reaching out to anyone that may have any advice for myself and my daughter. I left an extremely abusive relationship last October and filed for a divorce. I am...


How Can We Get Out of This Circle?

S.M. asks from Dallas

Hi ladies, I really need help. My husband and I are in serious financial trouble. A couple of months ago, my husband was out of work for a few weeks. He has a job no...


Do You Ever Feel Ashamed for What We Are Handing to Our Children?

A.S. asks from Boca Raton

It's been weighing on my heart so heavily, especially our national debt. How can I explain this to my kids? "Sorry - our country is so far in debt that the next s...

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Answer Highlights

  • keep your child rear facing in 2 answers "... and I agree with many of the responses urging you to keep your child rear facing ..."
  • dave ramseys book in 5 answers "I would recommend Dave Ramsey's book Total Money Makeover."
  • cosco alpha omega in 2 answers "... that they tested four: Britax Roundabout, Evenflo Triumph 5, Cosco Alpha Omega ..."
  • consumer credit counseling in 9 answers "I went to a company called Consumer Credit Counseling several years ago and it worked ..."
  • financial peace university in 7 answers "I took his Financial Peace University program through my church a year ago when three ..."