colleges and universities

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Results 21-30 from 268 articles

University of Phoenix

S.H. asks from Dallas

I have been looking at some of the requests about online colleges. I am thinking of applying for University of Phoenix but I want to make sure it is a credible school...


College Choice

L.B. asks from Glens Falls

I have a 17 year old daughter, senior in high school. She has been accepted at a great college 3 hours away from home and 2 local community colleges near home. My hus...


How Much Would You Help with Financial Aid Forms

J.B. asks from Boston

My husband and his daughter (my SD) moved into an apartment in September. She is a high school senior and is applying to several private colleges and universities thi...


How to Do Transcripts for Homeschooled Highschoolers

L.W. asks from Miami

My oldest is in 4th grade, so I have time before this will be an issue. But I was wondering what other homeschooling moms did when their kids got to highschool. Right...


Wanting to Go Back to School

S.T. asks from Kansas City

Hello all of you beautiful moms. This is my situation. I am married with 3 sons. I am now a stay at home mom. My twin boys were born in November and like my older son...


Wanting to Go to School and Confused... HELP!!!

A.R. asks from Chattanooga

Hello all. I am a 20 year old stay at home mother of two. I will be 21 at the end of June. I am wanting to go to college, but I do not really have the option of going...


Help with College Major for My Son

J.C. asks from Rockford

My son is a senior this year and has narrowed down his interests for college study and has visited some schools. I'm looking for some ideas from others too. I love ...


Teaching at a College

L.C. asks from Houston

Hello! I currently work full time as a HR professional but I've always wanted to teach at a University. I've always had the desire to stay at home or work a flexible ...


Daycare Provided by Your Place of Employment

Y.M. asks from Iowa City

I was listening to NPR this morning while driving my daughter to preschool. The piece was about how Facebook and Apple are now offering to cover the cost of freezing...


Homeschooling- Seeking Experienced Moms

A.F. asks from Columbus

My husband and I are considering homeschooling our three children. We have a daughter who is in 1st grade then two sons, almost 4 years old and 9 months. I would like...

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