... things as when to induce a labor and when to leave things to nature. ..... She recommended castor oil, or taking b&b cohosh, only because legally (I ...
Just don't drink a tea made from Black & Blue Cohosh herbs! That is what my midwife gave me to drink that started my labor.... How Can I Induce Labor? ...
I know about sex supposedly inducing labor, but it hasn't worked for me. Any other ideas besides walking? I heard about Kim Chi (a korean dish), or rasberry leaf tea....
I am 12 days overdue, and am wondering what ways you have to induce labor. My midwives have stripped my membranes (3 times now) but that hasn't done much. Any exerc...
I am 6 days past my due date and my OB is talking about inducing labor using pitocin if another week goes by. I just finished with 2 sessions of acupuncture t...
I am attempting a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean) with my pregnancy this time. I am 37 1/2 weeks pregnant so I could go into labor at any time now. Because I am...
I've heard the usual suggestions... spicy food, walking, sex, and have started drinking rasberry tea and taking primrose oil. I just wanted to know if any of you out ...
I'm a first time mother and am passed my due date. I'm very uncomfortable and am anxious to go into labor and meet my little one. Do any of you have successf...
I am due 3/6-3/11 according to my Dr. My lmp due date is 3/11. We have two boy's and the whole family is anxious to see this little girl. Any ideas to get things movi...