club preggo

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Results 51-60 from 77 articles

First Trimester Nausea - How to Handle It?

C.A. asks from Boston

I'm 7 weeks pregnant, and my symptoms haven't been too bad so far. But, I feel like my hunger just sneaks up on me, and when I'm hungry, I'm both ravenous and comple...


Help! What to Do About Dinner?

J.S. asks from Santa Fe

Hi Moms, I am very happily 7 weeks pregnant with my second child and have full fledged morning sickness now. I've always prepared all meals from scratch for my fami...


Pregnant and Given 1/9 Chance Baby Has down Syndrome

L.O. asks from San Francisco

Hi Moms. I'm 14-weeks pregnant and had a first trimester screening done for birth defects. Was called in to meet with a genetic counselor who informed us that there i...


Have You Ever Momentarily Lost Your Child in a Public Place? - JFF

V.W. asks from Minneapolis

I seem to be the go-to-girl for lost children. Last night at work (I'm a cashier at Wal-mart), I saw this little boy (4 or 5) standing next to the jewelry counter...


Diaper Shower for Second Baby

A. asks from Dallas

Hi ladies, I know I have seen posts on this before, but wanted to get some feedback from you. I am pregnant with our second daughter (our first will be four when ...


Hard to Loose Weight After 2Nd Baby

L.H. asks from Spokane

I have always weighted roughly 125 and after my son and breastfeeding I found it was very easy to get my weight off. I had a baby girl about 8 months ago and although...


First Week of Daycaren's Got Us All Sick!

A.R. asks from Austin

My 14 mo old son JUST started daycare (he's only been there 3 days over the past 2 weeks!!) and he has the runny nose crud and cough, I have pink eye and my husband i...


A FOR FUN! Question..

H.V. asks from Cleveland

When you were pregnant... What food could you just NOT STOP EATING???? For me.... drinking ginger ale..I can't get enough With my 1st son it was lemonheads.. ...


Advice from Other Moms with Children Less than Two Years Apart

R.H. asks from Fort Walton Beach

I was wondering if anyone has children less than two years apart. I just found out I am pregnant with our second child and feel far from being ready again. I wanted...


Help with Stress

B.R. asks from Salt Lake City

I am looking for some help with managing my stress and I'm also wondering if the way that I'm feeling is normal. I am seven months pregnant with our first and I have ...

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