class definition

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Kind of Follow-up to Common Core Question - Drawing

P.R. asks from Cleveland

I'm wondering if this is a common core thing or has always been the case or is teacher specific. At what age did your kids stop drawing pictures for class assignment...


My Son Tested Positive on the Risk Assessment for Type 2 Diabetes Screening! :(

S.L. asks from Brownsville

Good morning ladies. I am in shock and need your experiences and advice. Last night my 7 year old son handed me an envelope from his school. The forms inside indic...


Hot Yoga

L.U. asks from Seattle

HI moms. I have been on a weight loss journey since June of 2009. There have been some bumps along the way, but I am at an 80lb loss! Things have been slowing down...



K.S. asks from Dallas

I have to do a project in Psychology class on Bulemia. I have to be creative, write a paper, give an oral presentation and bring something "unique" to the class. Can ...


Legal Eagle Moms or Married to One?

A.G. asks from Houston

Curious as to how much focus was placed on Supreme Court cases of your studies. 10%? 50%? 99%? I'm talking about spending time on one case, not simply using them as...


Should We Refine Least Restrictive Environment?

K.Y. asks from Wichita

If you're familiar with special education, you're familiar with least restrictive environment. Should we have "integrated classrooms" where there are a combination of...


Mean Girl

K.B. asks from Tulsa

last year was HORRIBLE because this girl befriends a girl, then rejects her and turns others against her. even now she has her mean days then BEGS us to have her ove...


Living with Intensity- Volume, Setting and Reminders.

J.G. asks from Chicago

My oldest is the very definition of exuberance. This is a great thing. She is wild, passionate, intense. These are all wonderful traits, but this means her normal vo...


Why's That Baby Black?

E.J. asks from Lincoln

My 6 year old son and I were at a friend's house. Her friend came over who is African American (as in the very true definition as she immigrated from Africa). She h...


My 12-Year-old Son Misbehaving in School

K.K. asks from Dayton

My 12-year-old son attends Catholic schools. He just brought home four Fs in subjects taught by one of his teachers. The grades were due to tons of missing assignmen...

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