I need a product recommendation, my daughter is hating the infant car seat, and we are looking to get her a rear/forward facing car seat. She is 10 months old. I have...
Would anyone know what are requirements to stop using the booster seat in the car? How tall does the child have to be?How old? Is there a minimum weight? I really nee...
Hi Mommies-
When do you usually put your child in a booster seat in the car? My son is 2 1/2 and about 38 pounds. Wonder when we make the switch to a booster. Thanks!
I'm looking for advice for which carseat to buy for my toddler. He is quickly reaching the weight limit on his current seat and I'm looking for the next step...
The law in my state (va) says if you are under age 8 you must be in a booster. I know why. It positions the seat belt properly for their height. The seat belt is t...
My son is 8 months old and weighs 22 pounds. It is time to buy a new car seat. I need suggestion on buying a convertible car seat. Currently we have the baby trend ca...
Hi Everyone:) My daughter will be 8 months in 3 days...ok time goes incredibly fast!! Well, she is over 20lbs and I am confused about what we need to do about her c...