I have polyurethaned wood flooring in my home. I need something that will clean it well without leaving a film or haze on it. I usually use vinegar and water but af...
This week-end I was shopping with my daughter's in a mom and pop store that is off the street. After about 10 minutes my six year old had to use the restroom really b...
My son, Nathaniel J , will be turning one in july. our family is strapped for cash, but i would still like to get him one nice present. he's very active and loves ba...
For as long as I can remember, learning has been a challenge for me. Some of the obvious things I've always struggled with are math, especially word problems, ratios,...
My son is 26 months and hits me almost everytime he doesn't get his way. I know not to put up with this and I don't, but he always does it again, even after punishmen...
My daughter's father and I have had a terrible relationship. We have been apart for over three years and unless things go his way, its a battle. I have been done b...
My dad died yesterday. How do I explain to my son about this? Hes' not going to see his grandpa anymore. Hes' 7 years old. Grandpa was killed by a drunk driver.
I will try to make this brief, I am so mad and I just don't know what to do right now. I am a chronic pain patient after suffering a neck injury many years ago and un...
Our (extended) family has been having many conversations about life post college particularly one's earning potential. My question is for those of you entered colleg...
I have been experiencing severe joint pain since before giving birth to my 11 week old baby boy. It is mostly in my fingers, wrists, hips, knees, and spine. H...