cancer mama

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Genetic Testing

E.F. asks from Casper

My Sister in law is Pregnant with her first child, She is in her mid 30's and wants to know if she should do any genetic testing and if so what kind. Do any of you ...


Opinions of Zoloft

K.C. asks from Abilene

My doctor is starting me on Zoloft, and I want to know how many of you mama's have taken it and what side effects you had from taking it. I appreciate any of you voi...


5 Year Old Dental Xrays

T.2. asks from Dallas

Having a bad day today. 2 weeks ago I took my DS for his first dental appointment ever. The dental office policy is to not let parents for big kids inside the office....


Need a Little More Strength from Others for This Please....

G.B. asks from Killeen

So my mother calls me the other day and tells me that her Leukemia is out of remission. She blind sided me by it so I honestly didn't know how to respond to it except...


10 Month Old with Low White Blood Cell

M.E. asks from Philadelphia

Hello. I took my daughter to her routine dr visit in July. My daughter had diarrea a couple of days (4-5 days) straight two weeks before the visit. She wasn't sick ju...


A Difficult Post

K.K. asks from Denver

this is not a post I ever thought I would be writing, nor one that I ever wanted to write. I found out the beginning of Oct that I have terminal colon cancer that...


Motherless Moms - How Do You Cope?

S.B. asks from Chicago

I'm 35 and lost my 56 year old mom to cancer two years ago when my daughter was 9 months old. I now have a second child on the way - due this summer. If any of you ...


5 Yr Old Anger Issues

E.S. asks from Waco

I have a 5 yr old little boy. Back in 2004 my dad passed away and he and my son were very close. Since my sons father is not in the picture, my son saw my dad as his...


Would You Want to Hear This If You Lost a Spouse Years Ago?

R.D. asks from Richmond

My aunt lost her husband 4 years ago (5 years?) this coming Sunday (my birthday). No joke, every year around this time, I have a dream about him... he was my Godfathe...


Weaning and Potty Training

J.W. asks from Richland

Hi, My daughter is 21 months old. I am feeling like it is time to get serious about weaning her from the breast and potty training her. The problem is, she doesn't ...

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Answer Highlights

  • lost my dad to colon cancer in 2 answers "I lost my dad to colon cancer almost 8 years ago (his tumor was also missed) and the ..."
  • had low white blood in 2 answers "My son had low white blood cell count several times and it is more likely an infection ..."
  • had no side effects in 3 answers "I took Zoloft for a short while. I had no side effects, but it didn't work for me ..."
  • dont think two x rays in 2 answers "I don't think two x-rays is going to cause him any problems, since he won't be having ..."
  • post partum depression in 2 answers "Hi K.. I stuggled with a horrible post partum depression for 9 months after my first ..."