cancer mama

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How Do I Explain Great Grandpa's Death?

S.H. asks from Grand Rapids

Ok, I'm not sure how to explain all this, so I may start rambling...please bear with me. My grandfather, who I love dearly, but have not been close to over the las...


Had a Horrible No Good Very Bad Day!

K.C. asks from Cleveland

Hi I had a horrible,no good, very day. Although my attitude stayed good I had a bad day. First thing my oldest son I forgot he had his class trip. I drive him everyda...


Am I Expecting Too Much Out of My Husband?

C.R. asks from Philadelphia

I have recently grown very resentful toward my husband. It constantly makes it hard for me to be in a good mood at all, let alone while I'm home. And I even find myse...


Can I Please Get Some Reassurance, Ladies?

C.P. asks from Columbia

All I'm looking for is good, positive thoughts, prayers and energy. My beloved fiancee is getting a prostate biopsy right now. Please share your positive energy...


Are Products Containg SLS Safe or Harmful

R.H. asks from Dallas

Hello Mama's, I have been driving my whole family crazy by not letting them buy any Shampoo or Conditioner with Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS). But other then Loreal SL...


Friend and I Not Bonding

M.E. asks from Tampa

I met this mom friend, we'll call her Susan, about two or three years ago at my kids' preschool. We are both a little reserved, not outgoing people. I like Susan and...


When Is It "Time" to Moe on After Loss of Loved One?

C.W. asks from Redding

This will be difficult to mom passed away 7 monthes ago after loosing her battle with lung cancer. I think my sister and I are "moving on" appropriatly bu...


Hormone Regulation - Looking for Something More Natural (?) than Birth Control

L.D. asks from San Antonio

My husband and I are done having children, and he has done the vasectomy thing. Thus, I am considering stopping the Pill (Yasmin) except for one thing: it really help...


Question About My Brother

P.A. asks from Dallas

Hi ladies, I am sorry to burden you with this question but I have no where else to turn and don't know what else to do. I have been undergoing cancer treatments, I a...


How to Tell 3 Year Old Her New Kitty Died....

M.S. asks from Portland

As some of you may remember our family cat died last spring from old age. My daughter, then 2, handled it very well. We told her that as people or animals get older t...

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