I have given birth to two healthy little girls by vaginal delivery w/ no complications. But my OB gave me the news yesterday, that I made need a c-section for number...
Thanks to everyone who responded!! We actually had our little guy early, I went into labor on June 20th and he was taken c-section that afternoon. I am so glad I ha...
I had an emergency c section with my third baby 10 days ago. I am having some very minor discomfort, but that is about it. In general, I feel pretty good. The docto...
My first c-section was 15 years ago so my memory is a bit cloudy.....forgive me but I'm thinking you will understand.
My son was just born last Thursday via c-sect...
I had a c-section one week ago today and just noticed that my feet and ankles were swollen. I've been resting and trying to take it easy but a little hard with a newb...
I'd like to hear your experience(s) with attempted VBACs. Successes? Horror stories? I cannot find any friends or aquaintances who have had a successful VBAC! Ear...
I am 8 months pregnant and considering this. My twins are 6 years old now so I am thinking my uterus is healed after my c-section with them. My doctor says that I h...
I am currently pregnant (second pregnancy, 3rd child) and due in October. I am struggling over whether to try a VBAC or just go with a c-section. I have read and he...
Hi, I had a c section 5.5 years ago and 3 years ago and have had permanent numbness since then. I went and saw several doctors and specialists to see what had caused ...
I have never had a c-section but my cousin may need to have one with her first child. She was given the option of two types of stitches dissolving ones or staples (wh...