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Results 211-220 from 956 articles

Playing with My 4Yr Old Is So So Boring!! Please Help!

C.B. asks from Cleveland

My 4yr old is very attached to me he just sarted preschool and he did make 1 friend who we have had a few playdates with. My main problem is i find it so boring to pl...


Advice on Good Non-electronic Toys and Games

S.K. asks from San Francisco

Looking for advice in selecting solid, old-school toys and games for my four year old. I'm trying to stay away from anything electronic or battery-operated. Organic...


So with Black Friday Looming... What Are the "IN" Gifts This Year?

J.C. asks from New York

My daughter is 5.5 and I haven't seen much that is in the "must buy" category. Any thoughts? We have a bike. I am not getting anything electronic (DS, pads, ...


DS, DS Lite XL Etc Who Knows About This S***

L.M. asks from New York

I am not a video gamer. I do not know about this stuff! I want to buy my girls (turning 5 and turning 6) Nintendo DS for their birthdays. Money is tight. Which one sh...


Why Wont My 3 Year Old Play with His Toys?

R.P. asks from Salt Lake City

My son is almost 3 (his bday is on the 18 of october). I have no clue on what to buy for him. He doesnt play with any of his toys now. I have tried rotating his toys,...


Teaching Children About Money

N.Z. asks from Los Angeles

I have a four year old and wondering when is a good age to start? And what's a good approach? What my four year old knows about money is pretty minimal -- just th...


Buying B-day Present for Autistic Boy

A.H. asks from Los Angeles

Hello, I need to buy a B-day present for a 3yr old Autistic boy. Any ideas? All I know is that he has sensory over stimulation, he avoids things that produce high pi...


Fun Gifts for 11Yo Girl

S.R. asks from Washington DC

I have gotten my dd some gifts, but most of them are clothes...."boring" gifts. We are getting her an xbox that came with games, but I would like to get her somethin...


First Birthday Gift Ideas

S.K. asks from Minneapolis

I have quite a few friends who have babies who will be turning 1 year old in the next few months. My baby (our first) is 6 months old, so I am not quite sure what an ...


How to Stimulate & Teach My 11 Month Old Baby...

J.A. asks from Los Angeles

My 11 month old baby need alot of attention. I buy her all these fancy educative toys but she likes them for 10 minutes and then she's done with them. I read to her (...

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Answer Highlights

  • year olds are just starting to walk in 2 answers "... that no one has suggested year olds are just starting to walk ..."
  • likes things that spin in 2 answers "Since you know he likes things that spin, you might be able to find a top or other ..."
  • learn at her own pace in 2 answers "She will learn at her own pace, on her own schedule, and she will enjoy learning far ..."
  • barnes and noble in 2 answers "I got mine at Barnes and Noble but I would check Wal-Mart or Target too."
  • show him how to play in 2 answers "I had to show him how to play with them after that he was crazy about them and still ..."