brand of tampon

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Results 31-40 from 137 articles

Birth Control Advice

K.M. asks from Syracuse

Hi. I'd like some info and your personal experiences on birth control. In the past when I have taken the pill it has made me moody and hard to live with. I'm consider...


Need Advice from Women Who Have or Have Had Iuds

J.M. asks from Charlotte

I had an IUD put in about 4 months ago, a better, safer alternative to getting my tubes ties.... or so i thought. Since then, I have had "cists" on my ovaries over a...


Mirena vs Pill

K.R. asks from Detroit

I had Mirena before and had complications because it was put in wrong. Now with my husband on the verge of coming home from deployment I'm curious if it would be wort...


A Battery of Negative OTC Pregnancy Tests -- No *Real* Period

A.D. asks from Los Angeles

I've read similar questions on this board and I guess I need a safe place to tell my story and hear advice. My last typical AF was April 20. I had sex (withdrawal)...



R.F. asks from Dallas

I had my first child in June (wonderful little girl!) and have been on the mini-pill since she was about 6 weeks old (progesterone only because I'm still BF). I have...


Skin Care Line Recommendations Needed

S.S. asks from San Francisco

Hi- I am 33 years old and have quite a bit of sun damage and am starting to feel the effects of aging :-( I have fairly oily skin and I break-out on occasion. I ...


When Your on Your Period Would You Swim ?

L.D. asks from Phoenix

if your on your period or a child started at 14 ............and does not use tampons, would you let her swim ? do you swim with out ? Do you believe it is fine to s...


Tampons Leak - First Timer

M.M. asks from Chicago

I tried the regular playtex sport and when I checked after 15 mins , I was leaking. I think I had put it ll the way in and there was no discomfort except while sittin...


Best Sanitary Pads for 12 Year Old

S.S. asks from Chicago

My granddaughter is staying with me for the summer. She has had her period a couple times before she got here but it was really only a little smear. So this week sh...


What Do You Mama's Do at Night When on Your Period?

M.P. asks from Provo

Ok so I have had a night time problem ever since starting my period. TMI and I'm sorry I leak like crazy! I don't dare use tampons (I read the instructions when I wa...

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