bowel movement in infant

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Results 61-70 from 594 articles

Seeking Other Moms' That Have Dealt with Chronic Constipation in Their Infant

A.M. asks from Memphis

Our beautiful little girl has had problems since she was about 2 months old with easily getting constipated. We had a really frustrating time getting anyone to take ...


DS Smells like a Sweaty Little Boy- No Longer like an Infant

L.A. asks from New York

After romping, cruising, climbing, chasing the dog, and giggling up a storm, I cuddled with our DS, who is 11 months old. He smelled like a sweaty little boy, and not...


Question About Breast Fed Baby

C.S. asks from Spartanburg

Is it normal for a 4 month old baby that is exclusively breastfed to go 8 days without a bowel movement?


Infant Constipation -3 Weeks & 4 Days Old

L.M. asks from Green Bay

My son is 3 weeks and 4 days old and hasn't had a BM in 32 hours. Once he goes he has a big blow out and then goes another 32 hours without having a BM. Any suggest...


Can Reflux Make Your Infant Dislike Tummy Time??

E.M. asks from Houston

I have a 6 month old daughter with reflux, and she has always thrown a FIT when put on her stomech, and at this point still cant roll over or sit up, could her reflux...


Infant Formula WITHOUT Corn Syrup / Corn Syrup Solids

B.P. asks from Dallas

Greetings, Moms who formula feed -- I am trying to Google some information on the internet about baby formulas (powdered kind) that do not have corn syrup / corn s...


My Infant Is Not Pooping!

A.D. asks from Atlanta

Up until about a week ago my almost 6 month old has pooped everyday. Then all of a sudden she goes 2 full days and on the night of the 3rd night she finally explodes...


Infant Cereal

K.S. asks from Washington DC

My daughter is 4mo old and just started cereal. We are giving her cereal 1x per day. How long before increasing the frequency of eating cereal to 2x per day? This is ...


Newborn Potty Question

D.H. asks from Oklahoma City

My sister told me about the site and thought you all could help me, so here it goes. I have a 3 week old who only has a bowel movement every 2 to 3 days. She passes g...


Need Advice on Diaper Rash- 6 1/2 Month Old Infant

C.C. asks from New York

My daughter has been sick since she started daycare at 5 months old. She started out with a very bad cold that lasted 2 1/2 weeks. It then turned into an ear infectio...

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Answer Highlights

  • foremilk hindmilk imbalance in 2 answers "As the previous posters suggested, it could be the foremilk/hindmilk imbalance."
  • boudreauxs butt paste in 2 answers "Please run and get some Boudreaux's butt paste."
  • contain corn syrup in 2 answers "... but I found that Gerber Good Start Gentle appears not to contain corn syrup ..."
  • without a bowel movement in 2 answers "... breastfed babies who have gone 10 days and even more without a bowel movement."
  • plain old vaseline in 2 answers "I use plain old vaseline. My daughter used to get severe diaper rashes and is allergic ..."