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Anyone Read the Book "Babywise?"

R.B. asks from Washington DC

I'm a new Mom of a 4 1/2 month baby boy who doesn't like to sleep! I turned to the book "Babywise" for some advice. The book says you should get your baby into a rout...


Looking for Book on How to Communicate with My Spouse.

D.M. asks from Los Angeles

Hello. My husband and I don't know how to talk with each other. He's very giving and does everything for me (cooks, helps clean, etc.)... but sit and have real mean...


Calling All Book Worms!

R.D. asks from Dallas

Hello from the ice block formerly known as Fort Worth! Brr its cold! So every year my family does a gift exchange. For the last several years we have had a theme ...


JFF: All You Book Readers....

E.J. asks from Chicago

I need to frame this in my house somewhere.... I love this and had to share! I LOVE BIG BOOKS AND I CANNOT LIE You other readers can't deny When a book walks ...


Chapter Book Recommendations?

E.E. asks from Denver

My oldest son and I have been reading The Magic Treehouse series. I love them. He loves them. It's great. Though he prefers that I read to him, he can read throug...


Book Group Losing Focus

R.M. asks from Boston

My friend and I started a book group two years ago, with a small group of friends. Lately, however, it's evolved into discussions about our kids. (We all have 6yo kid...


Maturation Book Recommendations

L.H. asks from Salt Lake City

I want a book for my boys. Something with tasteful illustrations and explanations about puberty and sex. My internet searches are turning up results that are books ...


Reading Book to Babies

S.K. asks from Minneapolis

Its getting impossible to read a book to my 9 month old. Earlier we somehow could get him to stare at it for few mins but now he just wants to put it in his mouth. I ...


Reading a Book Before Bed

M.W. asks from Washington DC

I keep reading that having a bath, book, bed routine is good for babies. However, my 6 1/2 month old doesn't seem to want to sit for our evening book reading! I know ...


Starting a Book Club for Kids

G.S. asks from Phoenix

hi! i am interested in starting a book club for kids ages 3-8. i was wondering if anyone had some good advice on how to start one, where a good place to meet for th...

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  • immortal life of henrietta lacks in 2 answers "... Series by Alexander McCall Smith The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks ..."
  • by harville hendrix in 2 answers "Getting the Love You Want A Guide for Couples" by Harville Hendrix."
  • stephanie plum series in 2 answers "... think of the characters name). Janet Evonovitch (Stephanie Plum series ..."
  • peek a boo books in 3 answers "Books y Sandra Boyington are good fun, peek-a-boo books that have pages that fold ..."
  • roald dahl in 2 answers "I also really like Roald Dahl books and The Indian in the Cupboard (but I think that ..."