blinking eyes too much

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Results 71-80 from 149 articles

How to Stop Rocking?

B.B. asks from Nashville

I knew it was a bad habit when I started, but it got her to sleep quicker and that got me more sleep. Now I see the problem, she is 13 months old and i still have to ...


10 Month Old Head Twitch/jerk When Sleepy and Excited

A.A. asks from Los Angeles

This may sound weird and I'm not sure how to describe it but a few days ago while playing in her walker I noticed that my daughters head did this twitching or jerking...


Do Any of Your Children Have "Tics" Seemingly Uncontrollable Movements??

C.G. asks from Nashville

My 8yo son has always had some type of tic the last couple of yrs. 1st it was snapping his fingers...annoying but U didn'y worry too much about it. Then "popping" t...


Son Making Some Odd Movements

A.P. asks from Milwaukee

My son is 8 months old and just started doing this weird shrug thing....bringing his left ear and shoulder together (shoulder up/head to the side). He does it a few ...


Teenager and Medication

L.M. asks from Dayton

My 15 year old sister lives with me and has been for about 3 years now. Her mother hasn't been in her life in about 9 years and our father lost his job, was diagnose...


Signs of Autism or Mommy Paranoia

L.M. asks from Detroit

Moms - I need your help. Both my husband's father and his cousin have Asperger's, but don't seek any treatment. My husband's aunt pretty much burries her head in the...


What Are the Early Signs/first Signs of Autism?

D.F. asks from New York

Hello mamas. My son is 23 months old and there are certain things about him that seem kind of off to me. For instance, he only says 2 words, mama and dada. He babble...


Father in Law Has Cancer

C.T. asks from Santa Fe

We just got the sad news two days ago that my wonderful FIL has cancer spread throughout his brain. They are running tests all day today to figure out what is going o...


Husband Addicted to Online Game & About to Get Divorced

J.G. asks from Chicago

I was wondering if anyone has been in my situation. My husband started playing an online game called World of Warcraft quite some time ago. He now plays for hours on ...


Help for a Child Who Says She Has No Friends

D.A. asks from Utica

I need some help please from other moms. My 7 year old daughter cries quite a bit that she does not have a best friend, she has a couple of friends but they are not ...

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