blinking eyes too much

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The Breast Feeding Baby doll....what Is Your Opinion on It?

A.G. asks from Houston

Its all over the news. A baby doll that makes suckling noises and moves its little plastic mouth when its pressed onto a flower patch onto a little vest that the owne...


2 Year Old Cries Out Every Night but NOT Awake (I Don't Think They're Terrors)

A.N. asks from Nashville

Every since my DD was 8 months old, she has been waking up 2-5 times throughout the night crying out. Sometimes they're just a moan and other times they are very lou...


I Am at My Wits end...any Suggestions, Experience?

C.O. asks from Washington DC

I guess I could say this is a repeat question. So please be patient with me. I am a HUGE mama bear and when my children are in pain - I go nuts trying to make it righ...


What Is Your Opinion on Vision Therapy?

L.C. asks from Hartford

Hello mammas! I will give you a little background. My son is 7 1/2 in the 2nd grade. He has a little difficulty with reading. He has letter reversal along with tro...


Hooray for Motherhood? Hardly, Toughest Job in the World, Thankless Too

M.M. asks from Pittsburgh

First of all, I feel awful writing this but it's true. I hear so many women out there proclaiming how much they "enjoy" and "love" motherhood. I love my son and wou...


Nervous Cough?

G.T. asks from Tucson

Hello, I have a little boy who just turned 3. About 2 months ago he caught what the doctors think was the horrible H1N1 'Swine' flu. It was a tough ordeal but he rec...


My 9 Year Old See Flashes of Light

T.B. asks from Des Moines

So my son has said a few times before that he sees flashes of light. He said its kind of like lighting. He says he is the only one that sees it. I think he has men...


My Head Knows What to Do, but My Heart Is Holding Me back...what to Do?

E.S. asks from Asheville

I will try to keep this brief, but it probably won’t end up that way :) (nope, it’s extremely long, sorry) After 15 years together, married in Oct. '06, twins...


Seizures (Infants)

D.K. asks from Detroit

my eleventh month old was diagnosed with epilepsy at 6 months old she looked like she would be having these weird muscle spasms she had 7-10 in 3 days some at the hos...



M.O. asks from Denver

I have pretty much followed my daughters lead on bedtime. 9pm is what it is now, but she has a meltdown long before the bedtime routine is over, so I know this isn't...

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