blinking eyes too much

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Results 51-60 from 149 articles

Any Suggestions on How to Get Eye Drops into a 2 Yr Old's Eye?

N.G. asks from Washington DC

My daughter is 23 months old and she has pinkeye -in both eyes. So, the Doctor precribed eye drops to be put in her eyes every 6 hours for 7 days. Tonight was the fi...


My 10Yr Old Makes Weird Noises

N.L. asks from Dallas

My son will be sitting watching t.v and he will make noises, double wink his eyes, and moving his lips side to side. I have asked him why he does it and says cause he...


Toddler Habits

T.L. asks from San Francisco

My soon to be 4 year old daughter developed a habit a couple of weeks ago. Every now and then she would blink one of her eyes multiple times like a wink. It's as if s...


Administering Eye Ointment

M.A. asks from Austin

My eight month old has bacterial conjunctivitus. We were given a prescription for an antibiotic eye ointment. We're supposed to put a strip of this ointment in the ...


Tic Getting Worse

J.H. asks from New York

My almost 9 year old son has had tics since preschool. Usually it is only one at a time that changes after a year or so (eye squinting/blinking, rubbing his fingers o...


8 Year Old Boy - Nervous Tics/noises

P.D. asks from Charlotte

I would like to find out some information on how to help my son. He is almost 9 years old, and he makes noises. Sort of like Tourette's Syndrome noises but that has...


Contact Lens Issue - Son Not Sure If One Is in or Not (Seriously!)

J.B. asks from Boston

The short version is...can you tell by looking at an eye whether or not a contact lens is in there? What am I looking for? of my kids is new to contacts a...


2 Year Old with a Tic?

J.J. asks from Allentown

My son turned 2 in December. He started shoulder shrugging when he was about 18 months but would only do it periodically. Now at a little over 2 he does it all the ...


Eye Rolling "Ticks"

A.W. asks from Tyler

My son started having what I describe as an eye "tick". His eyes will roll back and he will blink sometimes a couple of times. It seems to be worse when he is tired...


Is Anyone Else with Me on This?

L._. asks from San Diego

I've always hated man-made light. I don't care much for bright sunlight either. But I am fine outside while in it. I don't like it when light glares, casts shadows...

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  • diagnosed with tourettes syndrome in 2 answers "... same thing at around the same age and he was diagnosed with Tourette's Syndrome."
  • just more sensitive to light in 2 answers "Some people are just more sensitive to light."
  • dimly lit in 2 answers "If I were considering day cares & found one that was dimly lit, as it sounds like ..."
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