blinking eyes too much

Related Questions & Answers

Results 101-110 from 149 articles

9 Month Old Flapping Both Hands

M.T. asks from Dallas

hello!! I have noticed that my 9 month old son flaps both of his hands all the time, almost like he is riding a motorcycle. Is this normal? At fist we thought he was...


Are School Pictures Typically THIS Bad?

T.M. asks from Tampa

I just got my son's kindergarten pics back and I think they are REALLY bad. They shot the photo when he had his mouth open and not even smiling. He also has this bl...


I Need Help Parenting Well During the Teen Years!

N.R. asks from Chicago

My daughter is nearly 14 and overall, a great kid. But the attitude and self-involved behavior that I KNOW is normal for the teen years is killing me. I know she can'...


Tic disorder/Tourette's?

H.L. asks from Burlington

Our 6-year-old daughter has developed a neck jerk that is very pronounced. Literally, she throws her head back, usually a few times in succession. If I even tried to ...


Elf on a Shelf

J.S. asks from Monroe

At what age did you start the Elf on a Shelf? And what were some of his greatest pranks?


Objectionable Language...

S.G. asks from Grand Forks

I was surprised to see in the answers in a previous question that many people found words such as "nuts", "butt" and "stupid" objectionable, rude or crass. Honestly,...


Seperation Anxiety

K.0. asks from Oklahoma City

My 22 month old son is having an extremely hard time with separation anxiety. We have been dropping him off for church every Sunday for the past 4 months. As soon a...


10 Mo Old Antil Diaper Change!

E.B. asks from Portland

Hello. My almost 10 mo old is absolutely cantankerous when it comes to diaper changes. I lay him on the changing table, and he immediately rolls over and sits up. ...


Shirt Sucking

K.G. asks from San Francisco

My son is 11 years old and has been sucking on his shirt for about 2 months. He has done this behavior off and on but never this long. I've talked to his pediatrici...


Name Calling

L.G. asks from San Antonio

My soon to be seven year old becomes very angry when disciplined. This does not happen all the time but when he does he will call me stupid mommy. We do not talk like...

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Answer Highlights

  • validate his feelings in 2 answers "Stay calm. Validate his feelings."
  • elf on the shelf in 3 answers "I always encourage A NICE AND KIND ELF ON THE SHELF AND ALWAYS DISCOURGE A MEAN elf ..."
  • holes in his shirts in 2 answers "... at a younger age (I think he was 6). He would make small holes in his shirts ..."
  • too shall pass in 2 answers ":) And... by the way, at some point this too shall pass."
  • most inexpensive package in 2 answers "I would only buy the most inexpensive package so I could have a class photo and a ..."