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Results 221-230 from 516 articles

Anyone Have Age Spots Removed?

A.B. asks from Chicago

I am only 38 but just last summer and this year I have had a lot of B. spots show up on my face. I know they are from sun damage in my teens. Has anyone had these r...


Permanent Marker in Washer---- HELP!

S.P. asks from Joplin

A permanent marker got into the washer and ruined several of my son's favorite shirts and jeans. I have started using Spot-shot (for carpets) and it is lifting some ...


Advice on Facial Hair

N.V. asks from Boston

Hello Mamas! Happy New Year! My sister, mother of 4 boys, is 44 and is suffering from Lupus. She has been taking Prednisone for more than 6 months as well as Metho...


Daughter Insecure of Small Freckle on Arm

L.J. asks from Seattle

Our daughter is 8 and has been self conscience of a small freckle on her upper arm for a couple of years now. She says that nobody has said anything about it......bu...


Cleaning of Bath Toys

S.S. asks from Spokane

Random question but has anyone noticed how bath toys can get that grimy feeling to them after a while? Can anyone tell me how I should be cleaning the bath toys and ...


Cleaning Baby Toys

D.S. asks from Philadelphia

My daughter has a virus now and i'm wondering when and how i should clean her toys. I've thrown the easy stuff in the wash. what about the hard toys?


12 Year Old DD Embarrassed About Sweating So Much at Cheer

B.C. asks from Dallas

My 12 year old just started a cheer camp to prep her for cheer try-outs when she gets to Jr. High. They are hard on the girls (1 hr. hard workouts). She loves it, but...


Feminine Product Irritation?

T.M. asks from Bloomington

When i use certain brands of feminine products, i've had problems with skin irritation... itchy, burning, irritated... kind of feels like i'm wearing sandpaper. ouch....


Funny Smelling Pillow Cases

L.M. asks from Chicago

Hi Mamas! So my pillow cases tend to start smelling funny after a while (I know, yuck). I wash them in hot water, and turn the laundry room utility sink on befo...


Disaster Hair, Freaking Out. :/ Please Help

M.M. asks from San Francisco

For years I have dyed my hair black and I'm just sick of it now. So yesterday I woke up and bleached the whole thing and put an ash brown on it. Sallys said that woul...

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Answer Highlights

  • sounds like they dont start smelling in 2 answers "It sounds like they don't start smelling till after you've used them awhile."
  • short sleeved shirt in 2 answers "... she's turned the corner to acceptance since she wore the short sleeved shirt ..."
  • your linen closet in 2 answers "You can also keep a box of baking soda or Citrus Magic in your linen closet."
  • laser hair removal in 2 answers "I got laser hair removal done on my chin about a month ago and it was $200."
  • sink with hot water in 2 answers "I fill the bathroom sink with HOT water and 2 capfulls of bleach."