My almost 3 year old daughter is struggling with learning her colors. She is up to par on her counting, alphabet, etc, however she cannot seem to grasp the concept o...
I know a 15 year old that is pregnant by her 17 year old BF whom she has been with for about 7mo. I am not sure exactly what happened, according to her they used pro...
Ladies, I need some opinions! I’m not sure if it’s just me being overly sensitive or if what happened to me recently can be considered outright RUDE!? :(
I w...
My husband and I are pregnant for the first time and we're looking for a creative way to share the news with our parents that 'we're pregnant' with our first baby and...
Hi! My baby girl is three months old & is constantly being awaken by her older sister and dog barking during naps. I'm looking for creative ideas or a great product...
The Nevaeh question got me wondering...
If you are willing to share, what do you plan to name your baby? And what, if anything, influenced your decision?
I really hope someone here can help me. My son is being picked on by a boy 2 years younger than him. We just moved here a couple months ago and this boy was the first...
For several years, I've been toying with the idea of putting together a small gift book that includes silly names of pets and a caricature of their personality. Do a...
My poor little girl seems to always battle constipation and it just breaks your heart. At her 9 mo dr visit, she was low on her blood iron count so now they want me ...