I am considering getting the paragaurd IUD. Do you have any experiences with it? I do not like hormone birthcontrol, so I feel this may be a "safer" option for us. ...
I have an 8 week old baby and I am strictly breastfeeding. My question is my doctor put me on a low dose birthcontrol pill knowing I am breastfeeding, is it safe? O...
I just finished taking my 2nd pack of birthcontrol, oral pills. I noticed that my period this month is so light it is spotting. I did forget to take a pill a few ti...
I am a mother of 2 kids and 2 stepkids. After my last child I had my tubes tied, so I am not needing it for birthcontrol. I am having iregular periods, my doctor ga...
I am looking for a doctor who is familar with NFP (natural Family planning) and who is not going to think i am crazy for not wanting birthcontrol pills! If any one is...
I am thinking about getting an IUD inserted. It will be the Mirena.
I am in my 40's and usually take the pill for birthcontrol.
I have read up on it some, but woul...
I am wondering if there are any other benefits to birth control other than pregnancy prevention. I never experience a heavy cycle or cramps. It took invitro for me ...
I've always heard so much about hot flashes, but I wasn't aware that anxiety was a symptom of menopause until recently. For the last few months, I've been having sign...