birth control with a condom

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Results 201-210 from 566 articles

Nursing and the Pill

M.N. asks from Chicago

I am on my third month of nursing and I just started taking the birth control pill Errin. I'm feeling very bloated and started having cramps yesterday. Needless to ...


Plan B Emergency Contraceptive

A.P. asks from Los Angeles

Yesterday my boyfriend did not pull out as he normally does and I ovulated last night or this morning. I took the Plan B pill this morning but felt the tinging pain I...


Abstinence Program...

J.S. asks from Austin

I had no idea that Texas taught mainly abstinence in schools to prevent pregnancy. A friend of mine was again complaining about the ignorant/evil conservative/religio...


Looking for Someone Who Got Pregnant 3 Months or Less After Having a Baby

M.M. asks from Salt Lake City

So I know that I am probably just stressing out for no reason, but I'm worried that I may be pregnant again and would like some advice or input from someone who's got...


Ortho Evra Patch & Migraines

J.O. asks from Wausau

Hi ladies: I recently learned that I had become estrogen-deficient from years and years of being on the Depo-Provera birth control shot. So I was switched to the bir...


Copper IUD

L.T. asks from Grand Rapids

I am thinking about going on birth control after just having a baby 4 weeks ago...has anyone tried the copper IUD? It's not hormonal, you can use it and breastfeed, i...


IUD questionI

A.P. asks from Portland

I had a my son four months ago and am really enjoying raising him. I am looking to get on birth control and want to get an IUD. I am cautious though. What is your kno...


Unplanned Pregnancy -- How to Tell the Father

D.S. asks from New Orleans

I got involved with a guy who had just joined the Marines and was leaving for boot camp in a month. We talked and hung out all the time and I fell in love with him. W...


Depo Shot

G.R. asks from Dallas

i have an appointment next week for birth control since i cannot afford the iud right now i am thinking about having the depo shot but i am not sure since a friend to...


How Did You Know You Were Done Having Kids?

A.D. asks from Norfolk

How many kids do you have and are you done having them? How did you know you were completely done having children? My husband and I are about to make a huge decisio...

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