birth control the ring

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Results 201-210 from 966 articles

New Mom !! Needing Advice on Birth Control Methods.!!!!

L.C. asks from San Angelo

Iam 20 years old and currently eight months into my first pregnancy, Iam just tickled about having a little one around the house but, my plans don't involve a brother...


Water Birth or 'Regular' Birth.

K.S. asks from Bloomington

Hello, First time pregnancy here, debating what I want to do when the time comes. would welcome others experiences. I do know I'd prefer not to have drugs during...


Anyone Have Experience Using the Nuva Ring?

S.L. asks from Sacramento

I have been using the Nuva Ring since my son was about two months old. He is now 13 months old and I am still breastfeeding, although he is also on solids. The past t...


Seeking Advice on Long-term Birth Control!

A.L. asks from Wausau

Things have been very stressful lately between work, the kids and my depression. Seeing as I'm starting college this fall I really don't want to add another child int...


Questions About Birth Control

N.S. asks from Dallas

My periods are getting really long Lasting 9 days or so. I used to take ortho Tri Cyclin low for a long time and My periods would only last a couple of days. I ...


Birth Control Other than the Pill

S.M. asks from Dallas

My well woman exam is coming up and I would like to talk to my doctor about a birth control other than the pill. I have never used anything besides the pill. But I ha...


Anyone Experience Elevated BP While Using Birth Control Pills??

J.J. asks from Dallas

I am 37 and haven't used birth control pills since before my last pregnancy 6 years ago. I just finished my first month back on them (for excessive menstrual bleedin...


Nuva Ring or Ortho TriCyclene FemCap or Condoms?

D.G. asks from Dallas

I am looking into using BC again, I am 36 yrs old. I was on Orth Tri Cyclen for about 10 years to treat Amenorrhea from being active in sports and fitness activities...


Birth Control Options

K.M. asks from Kansas City

Hi Moms! Has has anyone had the Mirena inserted? I was wondering if anyone likes it or doesn't like it? I'm over 35 and now that I'm not breastfeeding I need to find ...


Birth Control Options

J.C. asks from Kansas City

Hi all - background info: Been having more abnormal periods since my daughter was born (8 months) and got the doc involved about 2 months ago. they did a couple of s...

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Answer Highlights

  • never considered a water birth in 2 answers "I never considered a water birth - but I know some women swear by it - and that's ..."
  • used the nuva ring in 3 answers "I also used the Nuva Ring before Mirena."
  • birth control pills in 3 answers "I have 3 children 14, 4 and 2. Birth control pills worked fine.... If you do not ..."
  • birth control pill in 3 answers "For me it works great, I don't have to worry about taking a birth control pill, or ..."
  • high blood pressure in 2 answers "I am 34 and I have high blood pressure due to family history and was never on bp meds ..."