birth control the ring

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Results 181-190 from 966 articles

Regular Birth Control Pill or "Lo" Kind?

D.B. asks from Dallas

What do other mamas take these days? I was on the "regular" birth control pill for 4 yrs and it only made me real dizzy/nauseaus for one instance. Never had any othe...


Has Anyone Used the Birth Control Patch?

A.N. asks from Indianapolis

Has anyone out there used the birth control patch? If so, what is your feedback on it? My doctor just gave me a sample pack to take and I will start it on Sunday. ...


Seeking the Right Birth Control - Need Help.

E.T. asks from Dallas

Hi there, I am currently taking Ortho Tri Cyclen Low and It makes me physco horomones. So I am looking at taking something else. Wanting Advice on different ...


Birth Control Options If You Are Not 100% Sure You Don't Want More....

S.J. asks from St. Louis

We are PRETTY sure we are done having kids. But, we cannot make that 100% committment. But, if we got pregnant any time in the near future I would be devastated, as...


Birth Control Causing Anxiety or Pmdd?

H.B. asks from Kansas City

I have an 18-month old son, and about 6 months ago, I started having severe anxiety and irrational thoughts that I could not get out of my mind. It is worst the week ...


Birth Control Pills- Serious Opinions Only, No Haters!

J.F. asks from San Francisco

I am 32 and have never been on any form of b/c. I was told from a young age that getting pregnant may be an issue for me. As it turned out, getting pregnant wasn't th...


Side Effects from Changing Birth Control Pills?

J.E. asks from Minneapolis

Has anyone experienced major side effects from changing their birth control pill? After I had my son and was nursing, my OB put me on a low-estrogen pill. My cycle ...


HELP...I Need Advice on Birth Control...what Do You Use/like?

M.S. asks from San Antonio

I am feeling like I am caught between a rock and a hard place. I have two beautiful children. Both planned and very much wanted. I used the pill for 7 years be...


IUD (Mirena) Vs. Nuva Ring?

K.R. asks from Dallas

I just had my second child in May and am looking to get back on birth control. However, I really don't want to have to take a pill everyday. I was wondering if any of...


What Is Your Birth Control Option?? IUD? Others?

S.L. asks from Grand Junction

My husband and I have had no problems getting pregnant when we want and even when I was off birth control pill (I was trying to determine if it was causing weight gai...

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Answer Highlights

  • than a tubal ligation in 3 answers "... as high as the Marina, which is, I am told, more effective than a tubal ligation!"
  • used the nuva ring in 2 answers "Hi K., I've used the nuva ring for 6 months."
  • no mood swings in 3 answers "I had a mirena and thought all was fine. No mood swings, no weight gain, but I had ..."
  • having a tubal ligation in 2 answers "... he knows that he's not going to get you pregnant. 3. Having a tubal ligation ..."
  • left burns on my skin in 2 answers "... to remove and it, or whatever other chemicals are in it, left burns on my skin."