
Related Questions & Answers

Results 121-130 from 142 articles

Unhappy Husband, Unhappy Wife, Unhappy Life...

J.M. asks from Seattle

My Husband and I have been married for almost 22 yrs. We met in HS...dated, got pregnant and married my senior year. My story is a really long one...but I'd really ju...


Playdate Repercussions!

J.L. asks from Los Angeles

A little while ago I asked a question here about playdate protocol. Thanks everyone who answered! But! Little did I know what trouble was a-brewing! My son went o...


So If You Don't Do Santa...

M.D. asks from Washington DC

Do you also not do the tooth fairy? Easter Bunny? Mickey Mouse at Disney World? Etc? There are a lot of things that are not REAL in a child's world. Are the same p...


Reluctant to Participate

A.K. asks from Boston

My oldest son, who just turned 4.5 years old is on the shy side and has a hard time joining in group activities. He loves playing with kids and loves preschool, but ...


Living Together

M.P. asks from Texarkana

So I'm divorced with a teenage daughter and young son. I've dated an awesome man for awhile and the time has come for him to move in with us. How do I tell my kids, e...


Frusterating Grandparents

M.R. asks from Tulsa

How do you get the grandparents to become involved in your childs life?? NO matter how many times we invite them, I send them all of their sports schedules, school ac...


What Is Deal with TATTOOS?

C.C. asks from Philadelphia

Ok I admit I am mildly conservative. I do not understand the fasination with tattoos. It covers every social, religion and status class. I saw an older woman who to...


Husband Always Stressed Out When We Take Kids Out

C.B. asks from Phoenix

I have a 3.5 year old son and 1 year old twins. I hate staying at home and would like to take the kids out on the weekends to see and experience things. My husband on...


Tattooed Mommas

M.C. asks from Detroit

Are there any other tattooed moms who try to eat healthy, buy organic and read lots of parenting books and basically break the stereotype that you must not be a good ...


Stick Figure People

J.W. asks from St. Louis

I have had this in my head for a while but another post motivated me to put it down to paper...or computer. I hate those stick figure people. What exactly is the p...

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