My oldest and youngest had binkies. We just threw all of our 2 year olds binkies away and it was so easy. But now here's my 6 year old and she still sucks her thumb. ...
OMG I hate Tuesday ''Mondays''. They are like a wet fart in clean underwear.
I had to take all three kids to the dentist. Two of which still freak out every time...
An article in today's New York Times says that the mayor of New York, Michael Bloomberg, wants to ban oversized drinks sold in the city as one way to help fight obesi...
We have been talking to the kids lately about choices and consequences in life. Consequences from a choice can be good or is just an effect from a choice ma...
My 4 year old son loves to suck his thumb. I didn't worry about it too much when he started at just a month old but as he is getting older, I worry it will make his t...
My daughter is 4 years old, soon to be 5 the middle of October. She has been potty trained for a couple of years now! Hurray! For a short while after PT, she wore pul...
I'm not referring to prenatals, of course those are taken, but do you alter your lifestyle - i.e. no drinking alcohol or caffeine - before you get a positive test (li...
I am contemplating stopping taking my lexapro. I have been on it for years following a cancer dagnosis over 5 years ago. I am currently cancer free! My life is not...
I grew up on Bette Davis films where the women always offered hubby a drink minutes after he got in the door. My ex boyfriend was 45 and French he drank everyday with...