best get pregnant

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Pregnant Again!!!

J.L. asks from Dayton

Well, here we go again. I went to the doctor and he said I was 6 weeks pregnant (which in actuality it was only 4 weeks) then I had an ultrasound yesterday and I am 8...



A.N. asks from Grand Junction

ok moms, my husband and i already have three kids and took precautions not to have more, he got a vasectomy in may of '07. i know they are not always a hundred perce...


I'm Pregnant Again

L.W. asks from Springfield

I have a handsome one year old boy. Last week I found out that I am pregnant again.....already. I wasn't planning on trying again until he was at least two. My hus...


Am I Pregnant?

C.H. asks from Augusta

I just had my second child Preston just 5 months ago. Since my insurance went out on me I couldnt get the Mirena birthcontrol and had to settle for the Depo shot. Thi...


Am I Pregnant or What?!?!

E.S. asks from Dallas

Hello. I am currently on cycle day 42, THE longest in my life! I was never able to get pregnant on my own, and we ended up having our babes with IVF. I was on cont...


How Long Did It Take for You to Get Pregnant?

N.O. asks from Detroit

Just wondering how long it took for any of you to get pregnant. And did you find it harder the second time around?


Can't Seem to Get Pregnant.

L.M. asks from Wichita

After the birth of my daughter I started taking the depo shot. I had my last shot in March of 2005. I have not been suggestful in getting pregnant. The nurse who t...


Trying to Get Pregnant

K.O. asks from San Francisco

Ok moms, so maybe I am overthinking this, but I am trying to get pregnant (Yeah!) and it is now my third month trying. I am devestated everytime I get my period (eve...


When Can I Get Pregnant Again

P.C. asks from Providence

I had my baby boy in mid-August of his year and I am curious as to when I would be able to get pregnant again. I have only had one menstrual period since his birth, a...


Trying to Get Pregnant with #2

S.N. asks from Burlington

I know everyone is always cautioning about how you have to be careful because you can still get pregnant while breastfeeding. But, I am in the OTHER boat. I am stil...

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