bathroom idea

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A Crazy idea...I Need Honest Opinions.

S.L. asks from Kansas City

I am researching what it would take to become an over the road truck driver. I am thinking ahead to a couple of years from now when my daughters become parents and I...


Idea's to Help Mother-in-law Going Through Chemotherapy

M.N. asks from Denver

I'm looking for idea's for what we can do to help my mother-in-law who is 2000 miles away and going through her third round of chemotherapy. The first round about 6 ...


Baby Carriers: Are They a Good Idea? If Yes, Which Is a Good Brand/model?

M.R. asks from Chicago

Hi, we are researching out Baby carriers (not slings). Whether they are a good idea, when can we put the baby in a carrier and carry her, whether to carry the babies ...


Need Anniversary Gift Idea After Seperation but My Budget Is Less than $0

A.Q. asks from Dallas

Hi moms, I need help with a gift idea for my husband. We were in the middle of a divorce all summer and in the last 2 months have reconciled and I am back home. Our ...


3 Kids, and I Still Have No Idea...

A.H. asks from Los Angeles

How in the world do you put your baby down, and keep them asleep??? It never fails, he falls asleep on my chest, seemingly a deep sleep, so I lay him down in his bass...


My 2 Year Old Is Constantly in the Bathroom!!

J.D. asks from Dallas

My son is constantly on the potty peeing. The first time in the morning it is yellow, but every other time it's like water. He drinks a lot, but he pees about two to ...


My Daughter Will Not Use the Bathroom to Go #2

J.G. asks from New York

My daughter is potty trained, but she will not go on the toilet to do #2. She puts on the pull ups or has me do it. I need to keep the pullups for over night for her....


Cleaning Tile in the Do You Get All the Hair Up?

T.R. asks from Sherman

We have lived in our new home for about 3 months and the tile in the master bath is so hard to clean. It's white tile and you can see every little hair that falls ou...


Mom Needs Advice on Childs Bathroom Habits

S.M. asks from Jackson

My daughter is three years old and she has trouble having bowel movements. SHe screams out in pain when she tries to go and doesn't go very often ..I took her to a pe...


Thank You for Dog Eatting Cat Poop Advise.. Had an Idea Would It Work? Hurt?

J.K. asks from Mansfield

Ok- thanks to all who answered about my puppy eatting cat poop. I can not move it or block it with a gate- our house is a completely open floor plan and the only plac...

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