bathroom idea

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TRAVELING Snack Idea's.

T.D. asks from Albuquerque

We are heading down to the heat of Phoenix in a couple of weeks. We are a family of 3 kiddos, 11, 3, and 1 and half. I want to pack healthly snacks for the kiddos whi...


Seven Year Old Girl Is Still Having Bathroom Accidents

A.S. asks from Austin

My seven year old daughter is still having occasional bathroom accidents. She's in second grade full time and I have no idea what to do to help her stop peeing in he...


Needing Anniversary Gift Idea

A.C. asks from San Francisco

My 7th wedding anniversary is coming up at the end of the week and I am looking for a gift idea for my husband. Something simple and under $20. My husband is always t...


Help for Pooing in the Pants, Any Idea?

A.G. asks from Las Vegas

Hi..... My almost 3.5 year old son is pooing in his pants. At 3 years old he was 100% pee trained, and about 75% poop trained. (sorry!! if tmi!) Now, at 3.5 years ...


Going to the Bathroom (#2) in Front of Your Opposite Sex Parent

W.F. asks from Washington DC

Is it ok/acceptable for a 21 year old man to go to the bathroom/sit on the toilet and have a normal/extended conversation with his mother, who is standing in the open...


Organization Tips and Idea Exchange

T.K. asks from Dallas

I previously asked for advice on organization in the home and turning my desk into a command center. That's all going great. I've made big strides. I hung a combo ...


My 8 Year Old Son Will Not Ask to Use the Bathroom

D.L. asks from New York

my normal hyper active 8 year old boy will not ask to use the bathroom . not his parents his teachers grandparents , we are all watching him for fidgets , he will go...


What Age Is It Ok for a Boy to Go into a Mens Public Bathroom Alone?

C.L. asks from Minneapolis

When I am out without my husband, either at a store, movie theater, or resturaunt, my son tells me he has to go potty, I was always taking him in the womens bathroom ...


HELP With My Almost 10 Year Old and Her Bathroom Problems

A.W. asks from St. Louis

My oldest daughter is about to turn 10 years old next week. We have had several issues in the past with her taking the time to go to the bathroom - about 2 years ago...


Preschool Idea....

S.M. asks from Chicago

Quick background before I ask my question... My husband is most likely losing his current job (home construction). I have been a stay at home mom for 3 years now and ...

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